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Last active November 22, 2024 14:01
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CLI commands drill 2
############################ PIPES #############################################################
# Printing all the data from the url
# Save all the data from the url to the file harry_potter
curl -o harry_potter
# Print first three line of the file harry_potter
head -n 3 harry_potter
# Print last 10 line of the file harry_potter
tail -n 10 harry_potter
# find the counts of the Harry in harry_potter -> total words = 2591
grep Harry harry_potter
# find the counts of the Ron in harry_potter -> total words = 947
grep Ron harry_potter
# find the counts of the Hermione in harry_potter -> total words = 822
grep Hermione harry_potter
# find the counts of the Dumbledore in harry_potter -> total words = 507
grep Dumbledore harry_potter
# to get the line from 100 to 200 form harry_potter using sed command
sed -n '100,200p' harry_potter
# to get the line from 100 to 200 form harry_potter using awk command
awk 'NR>=100 && NR<=200' harry_potter
# to get the line from 100 to 200 form harry_potter using head pipe tail command
head -n 200 harry_potter | tail -n 101
# to get the number of unique words -> total uniq word = 11577
tr -c '[:alnum:]' '\n' < harry_potter | sort | uniq | wc -l
############################ Processes, ports #############################################################
pgrep chrome # get the PID of chrome browser -> PID = 1049
ps -ef | grep chrome # get the PPID of chrome browser. -> PPID = 1 PID = 1049
killall "Google Chrome" # kill the chrome browser from command line
top -l 1 -o cpu | head -n 15 # run the top 3 cpu process using top command
top -l 1 -o mem | head -n 15 # run the top 3 mem process using top command
cd ~/desktop/linuxlesson # move to linuxlesson to run the python script
python3 -m http.server 8000 # run the python script on port 8000
pkill -f http.server # to kill the http server from different terminal
sudo python3 -m http.server 90 # run the python script on port 90
netstat -an | grep -E 'tcp|udp' # connection of TCP and UDP simultaneously
cd ~/desktop/linuxlesson # move to linuxlesson to run the python script
python3 -m http.server 5432 # run the python script on port 5432
sudo netstat -anp tcp | grep 5432 # find the PID of localhost 5432 using netstat PID - 5432
sudo lsof -i :5432 # this gives me the PID of localhost 5432 -> PID - 10779
############################ Managing software #############################################################
brew install htop # to install htop from brew
brew install vim # to install vim from brew
brew install nginx # to install nginx from brew
brew uninstall nginx # to uninstall nginx from brew
############################################################# Misc ############################################################
ifconfig | grep "inet" # gives inet(ipv4) as well as inet6(ipv6)
ping # gives the ping of the which include ip address
ping # gives the ping of the which shows my internet is working
which node # gives the path of the node
which code # gives the path of the code
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