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Md Abid Hussain abid019

  • 04:09 (UTC -12:00)
View GitHub Profile
mkdir hello #creating directory hello
cd hello #move to directory hello
mkdir five one #creating directory five and one in hello
cd five #move to directory five
mkdir six #creating directory six
cd six #move to directory six
touch c.txt #creating c.txt file using touch command in six
mkdir seven #creating directory seven
cd seven #move to directory seven
touch error.log #creating error.log file using touch command in seven
abid019 /
Last active November 22, 2024 14:01
CLI commands drill 2
############################ PIPES #############################################################
# Printing all the data from the url
# Save all the data from the url to the file harry_potter
curl -o harry_potter
# Print first three line of the file harry_potter
head -n 3 harry_potter
# Print last 10 line of the file harry_potter
tail -n 10 harry_potter
# find the counts of the Harry in harry_potter -> total words = 2591