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Created September 5, 2023 08:46
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# alias
abbr -a a alacritty
abbr -a chx 'chmod +x'
abbr -a dc 'docker compose'
abbr -a dush 'du -sh'
abbr -a ea 'e -a'
abbr -a el 'e -l'
abbr -a elt 'e -lT'
abbr -a et 'e -T'
abbr -a etl 'e -Tl'
abbr -a jog 'sudo usermod $(whoami) -aG'
abbr -a nf neofetch
abbr -a p pacman
abbr -a rmr 'rm -r'
abbr -a rmrf 'rm -rf'
abbr -a sp 'sudo pacman --noconfirm -S'
abbr -a spr 'sudo pacman -R'
abbr -a --set-cursor '<<<' -r pp --position anywhere '<(echo -n "%" | psub)'
abbr -a stcl systemctl
abbr -a syu 'sudo pacman -Syu'
abbr -a tcf 'tar -cvf'
abbr -a tm tmux
abbr -a txf 'tar -xvf'
abbr -a we wezterm
abbr -a y 'yay --sudoloop'
abbr -a yr yarn
abbr -a ytdl youtube-dl
abbr -a ttc -r "ttc?" 'tty-clock -cst'
abbr -a sk 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096'
abbr -a --set-cursor skf 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/%'
abbr -a refresh -r "ref?" '. ~/.config/fish/conf.d/*.fish'
abbr -a uppercase -r "up(:?p(:?er)?)?" 'tr a-z A-Z'
abbr -a fa 'nvim ~/.config/fish/conf.d/'
abbr -a sys --position anywhere systemctl
abbr -a chrome --position anywhere google-chrome-stable
abbr -a mkd mkdir
abbr -a rmd rmdir
abbr -a rgi 'rg -i'
abbr -a po podman
abbr -a asm 'objdump -Mintel -ldSrwC --no-show-raw-insn --insn-width=5 --disassembler-color=extended --visualize-jumps=extended-color'
abbr -a wcl 'wc -l'
abbr -a gz gzip
abbr -a gzk 'gzip -k'
abbr -a xzk 'xz -k'
abbr -a dps 'docker ps --format \'table \'{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}'
abbr -a ts tree-sitter
abbr -a tsg 'tree-sitter generate'
abbr -a tsp 'tree-sitter parse'
abbr -a tst 'tree-sitter test'
abbr -a tsq 'tree-sitter query'
abbr -a tsh 'tree-sitter highlight'
# abbr -a L --position anywhere --set-cursor "% | less"
alias b bat
alias ba 'bat -A'
alias cg cargo
alias d docker
alias e 'exa -F --icons'
alias f 'fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse --border=none'
alias flux 'flux --enable-suggestions'
alias g git
alias j just
alias k kubectl
alias lg lazygit
alias nid 'ni -d'
alias pn pnpm
alias q 'rlwrap -r ~/q/l64/q'
alias r rip
alias rclone 'rclone --config ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf'
alias s sudo
alias t tar
alias tma 'tmux new -s apps'
alias v nvim
alias vv 'NVIM_GUI=1 neovide --geometry=100x33 --multigrid'
alias x 'kill (jobs -p) && exit'
alias c clear
alias xcp 'xclip -selection clipboard'
alias xcpp 'xclip -selection clipboard -o'
alias zz 'z -'
alias pactree 'pactree --color'
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