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Created November 27, 2012 16:37
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Save abitdodgy/4155330 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lightweight jQuery character counter plugin.
(function ($) {
// Author: Mohamad El-Husseini,
// Light weight character counter for jQuery.
// Example:
"use strict";
$.fn.counter = function (options) {
options = $.extend($.fn.counter.defaults, options);
function defaultText() {
return options.defaultText.replace(/minSize/ig, options.minSize);
function count(elem) {
var size = elem.val().length, target = elem.siblings(options.targetClass);
if (size === 0) {
} else if (size < options.minSize) {
target.html((options.minSize - size) + options.minWarning);
} else if (size >= options.minSize && size < options.warningSize) {
} else if (size >= options.warningSize && size < options.maxSize) {
target.html((options.maxSize - size) + options.maxWarning);
} else if (size >= options.maxSize) {
elem.val(elem.val().substring(0, options.maxSize));
target.html("0" + options.maxWarning);
this.each(function () {
var elem = $(this);
elem.keyup(function () {
elem.closest('form').submit(function () {
if (elem.val().length < options.minSize) {
return false;
return elem;
$.fn.counter.defaults = {
minSize: 15,
minWarning: " more to go...",
maxSize: 25,
maxWarning: " characters remaining...",
warningSize: 20,
targetClass: '.help-block',
defaultText: 'Enter at least minSize characters.'
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