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Created December 19, 2018 07:39
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Dockerfile to deploy an AspNet app to IIS in a container using PSWebDeploy
# The general framwork of my script is based on fragments from all over the Internet, including
# the following website. Since there is no clear owner of this information and it was contributed
# by many people, I am assuming that an MIT license is appropriate.
# docker run -p 8088:80 --restart always --name aspnetdocker -dit abitofhelp/aspnetdocker
# Now we can browse to the website. Be aware that you can only reach the container from the outside,
# so if you would browse to localhost, which results in the # you will not see any results.
# You need to address your machine on its actual hostname or outside IP address.
# docker run -d -p 8091:80 --name aspnetdocker abitofhelp/aspnetdocker
# docker exec -it 82e08c546fd5 powershell
FROM microsoft/aspnet:4.7.2-windowsservercore-1803
SHELL [ "powershell.exe", "-Command"]
# Install Additional Applications
# Copy and install msdeploy service
ADD "" c:/msi/
RUN Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '-i', 'c:\msi\WebDeploy_amd64_en-US.msi', '/quiet', '/norestart' -NoNewWindow
# RUN net.exe start msdepsvc
RUN powershell.exe -Command Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -RequiredVersion -Force
# Copy and install PSWebDeploy, which is a powershell module for IIS publishing.
RUN powershell.exe -Command Install-Module -Name pswebdeploy -RequiredVersion 1.0.2 -Force
RUN powershell.exe -Command Import-Module PSWebDeploy; Get-Module
#RUN powershell.exe Install-Module PSWebDeploy
# Configure IIS
# Remove default IIS site's contents
RUN powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command Remove-Item -Recurse C:\inetpub\wwwroot\*
# Resolving the 403 authorization issue:
# Adding a user so i can connect through IIS Manager.
RUN NET.exe USER testing "Pizza123!!" /ADD
RUN NET.exe LOCALGROUP "Administrators" "testing" /add
# Grant Permissions so anyone can access the wwwroot folder.
# Using the new PowerShell 3 --% to stop PS from parsing anytthing after it.
RUN icacls.exe "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\*" --% /grant "everyone:(OI)(CI)F /T"
# Install neccassary IIS features
RUN powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Service
RUN powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature Web-Windows-Auth
RUN powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-45-ASPNET
RUN powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net45
RUN powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45
# Start the Web Management Service...
RUN net.exe start wmsvc
# Configure it to autostart at boot...
RUN sc.exe config WMSVC start= auto
# Enable remote connections to the web management service.
RUN powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server -Name EnableRemoteManagement -Value 1
# Web Deploy the Application to IIS Inside of the Container
RUN mkdir c:\app
ADD /app/
#ADD AspNetDocker.deploy.cmd /app/AspNetDocker.deploy.cmd
#ADD AspNetDocker.SetParameters.xml /app/AspNetDocker.SetParameters.xml
#ADD AspNetDocker.SourceManifest.xml /app/AspNetDocker.SourceManifest.xml
RUN mkdir c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnetdocker
RUN powershell.exe Sync-Website -ComputerName http://localhost -SourcePackage /app/ -TargetPath /inetpub/wwwroot
#RUN powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command ./AspNetDocker.deploy.cmd /Y
# There may be ACL issues during deployment:
#RUN mkdir c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnetdocker
#RUN mkdir c:\fixAcls
#ADD fixAcls.ps1 /fixAcls
#RUN powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass /fixAcls/fixAcls.ps1
#RUN powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command ./AspNetDocker.deploy.cmd /Y
# Configure the Container
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