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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Credit to Adam Presley, who's ftpsyncing fabfile I used as a starting point!post/2013/04/how-i-deployed-a-php-app-via-ftp-using-fabric-and-git
import fabric
import ftplib
import re
import os
from git import *
from ftplib import FTP
from fabric.api import task
from fabric.colors import *
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# SECTION: Constants
FTP_USER = "mrfantastic"
FTP_PASSWORD = "passwordpassword"
FTP_ROOT_DIR = "/public_html"
REPO_ROOT = "/var/www/"
DIR_FILTER = ("application/", "assets/")
# SECTION: Private methods
workingDir = ''
def _connectToFTP():
global ftp
ftp = FTP(host=FTP_ADDRESS)
ftp.login(user=FTP_USER, passwd=FTP_PASSWORD)
return ftp
def _cwdFTP(directory):
global workingDir
global ftp
if workingDir != directory:
print cyan('CWD %s' % directory),
ftp.cwd(os.path.join(FTP_ROOT_DIR, directory))
print green(u'\u2713')
workingDir = directory
return True
except ftplib.error_perm as e:
print red('>> FTP ERROR %s' % e)
return False
def _filterThroughDirs(fileList):
return [f for f in fileList if f.startswith(DIR_FILTER)]
def _gitLatestFiles():
g = Git(REPO_ROOT)
repo = Repo(REPO_ROOT)
branch = repo.active_branch
headCommit = repo.commit(branch)
print "Current branch: %s" % branch
print "Head commit revision: %s" % headCommit
print "Message: %s" % headCommit.message
process = Popen("git show --name-status --diff-filter=AM",
out, err = process.communicate()
files = out.split("\n")
regexedFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(r'^[A|M]\t', f)]
trimmedFiles = [re.sub(r'[A|M]\t', '', f) for f in regexedFiles]
return _filterThroughDirs(fileList=trimmedFiles)
#return trimmedFiles
def _gitLatestDeletedFiles():
process = Popen("git show --name-status --diff-filter=D",
out, err = process.communicate()
files = out.split("\n")
regexedFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(r'^D\t', f)]
trimmedFiles = [re.sub(r'D\t', '', f) for f in regexedFiles]
return _filterThroughDirs(fileList=trimmedFiles)
#return trimmedFiles
def _filterOutDeleted(fileList, filter):
return [f for f in fileList if any(f in x for x in filter)]
# SECTION: Actions
def commit():
local('git add -A')
local('git commit')
local('git push')
def testftp():
ftp = _connectToFTP()
print cyan(FTP.getwelcome(ftp))
def dryrun():
print ""
print green("** Dry Running Deploy **")
files = _gitLatestFiles()
deleted = _gitLatestDeletedFiles()
if len(files) > 0:
for f in files:
print yellow('STOR %s' % f)
print cyan('Nothing to upload')
if len(deleted) > 0:
for d in deleted:
print red('DELE %s' % d)
print cyan('Nothing to delete')
def deploy():
print ""
print green("** Upload latest changes **")
ftp = _connectToFTP()
files = _gitLatestFiles()
deleted = _gitLatestDeletedFiles()
#Parse Uploads
for f in files:
split = os.path.split(f)
if _cwdFTP(split[0]):
print yellow('STOR %s' % f),
ftp.storlines("STOR %s" % split[1], open(f, "r"))
print green(u'\u2713')
except IOError as e:
print red('>> %s' % e.strerror)
#Parse Deletes
for d in deleted:
split = os.path.split(f)
if _cwdFTP(split[0]):
print magenta('DELE %s' % split[1]),
print green(u'\u2713')
except ftplib.error_perm as e:
print red('>> FTP ERROR %s' % e)
print ""
print green('** Closing FTP connection **')
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