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Forked from petermuller71/cryptor.php
Created April 24, 2018 23:11
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PHP Encryption and decryption class with open_ssl (works also with large text)
* Class: Cryptor
* PHP Encryption and decryption class with open_ssl
* Works also with larger text (because text is split in smaller parts).
* Generates a random IV with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes for each message and is prefixed to the encrypted_text.
* Generates a random nonce (number used once) with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes used as salt for each message.
* Purpose of random IV and nonce: When the same message is encrypted twice, the encrypted_text is always different.
* IVs do not have to be kept secret. They are prefixed to the encrypted_text and transmitted in full public view.
* A hash of the encrypted data is generated for integrity-check and is prefixed to the encrypted_text.
* Instruction (no secret key provided as argument, so private static value is used):
* encryption: $encrypted_txt = Cryptor::doEncrypt($plain_txt);
* decryption: $plain_txt = Cryptor::doDecrypt($encrypted_txt);
* Instruction (with secret key):
* encryption: $encrypted_txt = Cryptor::doEncrypt($plain_txt, "secret key used for encryption");
* decryption: $plain_txt = Cryptor::doDecrypt($encrypted_txt, "secret key used for encryption");
* Change class properties (change secret keys, etc)!
class Cryptor {
* PHP Encryption and decryption class :: open_ssl
* public gist:
* @param string $plain_txt Text, to be encrypted
* @param string $encrypted_txt Text, to be decrypted
* @param string $secret_key Optional, override with (static private) property
* @property int $strspit_nr Amount of characters to split source (<= 400!), open_ssl cannot encrypt large files
* @property string $rep_letter Letter used to replace underscore (prevent detecting str_splits)
* @property string $secret_key Secret_key (sha512 hashvalue is created from this string), used if secret_key is not passed as argument
* @return string Encrypted or decrypted text
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2018 Peter Muller. All rights reserved.
* @author Peter Muller <[email protected]>
* @version 1.08
static private $strspit_nr = 400; // smaller than 400 characters!
static private $rep_letter = 'b'; // change this (any letter, small or Capital)!
static private $secret_key = 'This is my secret key'; // change this! (this value is used if secret_key is not passed as argument)
* doEncrypt
* Encrypt text
* @param string $plain_txt Text that will be encrypted
* @param string $secretkey Optional, override with (static private) property
* @return string Encrypted text
public static function doEncrypt($plain_txt, $secretkey = null) {
if ($secretkey == null) { $secretkey = self::$secret_key; }
// add salt to plain_text
// salt is actually a nonce (unpredictable random number), so encryption of the same plain_text leads always to different encrypted_txts
$salt = substr( base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)), 0, 10);
$plain_txt = $salt.$plain_txt;
// plain_txt should be split in smaller parts and encrypted seperatly (because of open_ssl / RSA limitation)
$arr = str_split($plain_txt, self::$strspit_nr);
foreach ($arr as $v) { $encrypted_txt .= self::doEncryptDecrypt('encrypt', $secretkey, $v)."_"; }
$encrypted_txt = substr($encrypted_txt, 0, -1);
// smaller parts are glued together with underscore (_) and will be replaced by a letter
$encrypted_txt = self::replace("go", $encrypted_txt);
// add hash (for integraty check) to encrypted_txt
$hash = substr( hash('sha512', $encrypted_txt) , 0, 10);
$encrypted_txt = $hash.$encrypted_txt;
return $encrypted_txt;
* doDecrypt
* Decrypt text
* @param string $encrypted_txt Text that will be decrypted
* @param string $secretkey Optional, override with (static private) property
* @return string Decrypted text
public static function doDecrypt($encrypted_txt, $secretkey = null) {
if ($secretkey == null) { $secretkey = self::$secret_key; }
// get hash, prefixed to encrypted_txt
$hash = substr($encrypted_txt, 0, 10);
// remove hash from encrypted_txt
$encrypted_txt = substr($encrypted_txt, 10);
// check if hash is correct (compare with hash_on_the_fly)
$hash_on_the_fly = substr( hash('sha512', $encrypted_txt) , 0, 10);
if ($hash !== $hash_on_the_fly) { return null; }
// smaller parts were glued together with underscore (_) and replaced by a letter
$encrypted_txt = self::replace("back", $encrypted_txt);
// encrypted_txt should be split in smaller parts and decrypted seperatly (because open_ssl / RSA limitation)
$arr = explode("_", $encrypted_txt);
foreach ($arr as $v) { $decrypted_txt .= self::doEncryptDecrypt('decrypt', $secretkey, $v); }
// remove salt
$decrypted_txt = substr($decrypted_txt, 10);
return utf8_encode($decrypted_txt);
* doEncryptDecrypt
* Encrypt or decrypt text
* @param string $action Encrypt or decrypt text
* @param string $secretkey secretkey used for encryption/decryption
* @param string $source Source that is encrypted or decrypted
* @return string
private static function doEncryptDecrypt($action, $secretkey, $source) {
$output = false;
// hash
$secretkey = hash('sha512', $secretkey);
// iv - encrypt method AES-256-CBC expects 16 bytes
$iv = substr( base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)), 0, 16);
if ( $action == 'encrypt' )
$output = openssl_encrypt($source, "AES-256-CBC", $secretkey, 0, $iv);
// add $iv to encrypted_txt
$output = $iv.base64_encode($output);
else if( $action == 'decrypt' )
// get $iv
$iv = substr($source, 0, 16);
// remove $iv from source
$source = substr($source, 16);
$output = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($source), "AES-256-CBC", $secretkey, 0, $iv);
return $output;
* Replace
* replace underscore (_) by a specific letter (and vice versa)
* purpose: in this way, you cannot check how long the chuncks are
* @param string $action Replace underscore by a letter (go) or letter by underscore (back)
* @param string $source Source where replacement is done
* @return string
private static function replace($action, $source) {
if ($action == "go")
$source = str_replace(self::$rep_letter, "|", $source);
$source = str_replace("_", self::$rep_letter, $source);
else if ($action == "back")
$source = str_replace(self::$rep_letter, "_", $source);
$source = str_replace("|", self::$rep_letter, $source);
return $source;
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