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Created April 11, 2014 02:50
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setup your own map server
digraph gis_stack{
fontname="Microsoft YaHei";
node [shape="Mrecord", fontname="Microsoft YaHei", fontsize=10];
edge [color="#F1C40F", fontname="Microsoft YaHei", fontsize=10];
openlayers [shape="none", image="OpenLayers.trac.png", label=""];
leaflet [shape="none", image="leaflet-logo.png", label=""];
tile_cache [label="TileCache", style="filled", color="orange"];
mapnik [label="Mapnik", style="filled", color="orange"];
subgraph cluster_datasource {
label = "Datasource"
node [style="filled", color="orange"];
postgis [label="PostGIS database"]
shapefile [label="ERSI shapefiles"]
osm [label="OpenStreetMap"]
openlayers -> tile_cache [label="WMS over HTTP"];
leaflet -> tile_cache [label="WMS over HTTP"];
tile_cache -> mapnik [label="fetching & caching"];
mapnik -> postgis [label="rendering & styling"];
mapnik -> shapefile [style="dashed"];
mapnik -> osm [style="dashed"];
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