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abubelinha /
Created February 23, 2025 13:28 — forked from dropmeaword/
Playing around with Chrome's history

Browser histories

Unless you are using Safari on OSX, most browsers will have some kind of free plugin that you can use to export the browser's history. So that's probably the easiest way. The harder way, which seems to be what Safari wants is a bit more hacky but it will also work for other browsers. Turns out that most of them, including Safari, have their history saved in some kind of sqlite database file somewhere in your home directory.

The OSX Finder cheats a little bit and doesn't show us all the files that actually exist on our drive. It tries to protect us from ourselves by hiding some system and application-specific files. You can work around this by either using the terminal (my preferred method) or by using the Cmd+Shft+G in Finder.


Once you locate the file containing the browser's history, copy it to make a backup just in case we screw up.

abubelinha / 0-README.txt
Created January 19, 2025 12:55 — forked from yan-foto/0-README.txt
DeDRM Adobe Digital Edition Books
Convenient DeDRM Scripts
**NOTE**: read to find out what this gist is good for.
* ./ extracts Adobe Digital Editions private key and required files to DeDRM.
* ./dedrm: removes DRM from given ebook (pdf/epub)
If you are using this for the first time, make sure that you have authenticated your Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and run './'. Import any DRM-protected file into ADE and run '':
abubelinha /
Created August 20, 2024 16:47 — forked from tmcw/
The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

The difference between XYZ and TMS tiles and how to convert between them

Lots of tile-based maps use either the XYZ or TMS scheme. These are the maps that have tiles ending in /0/0/0.png or something. Sometimes if it's a script, it'll look like &z=0&y=0&x=0 instead. Anyway, these are usually maps in Spherical Mercator.

Good examples are OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, MapBox, MapQuest, etc. Lots of maps.

Most of those are in XYZ. The best documentation for that is slippy map tilenames on the OSM Wiki, and Klokan's Tiles a la Google.

Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
abubelinha /
Created April 25, 2024 17:09 — forked from rudolfbyker/
Split WAV files at silence
#!/usr/bin/env python
from import wavfile
import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
from tqdm import tqdm
# Utility functions
abubelinha /
Created April 21, 2024 23:25 — forked from BlueNexus/
Python to Pseudocode converter
import os.path
import re
1. Create a file with the following code
2. Put the file you want to convert into the same folder as it, and rename it to ""
3. Add a "#F" comment to any lines in the code which have a function call that doesn't assign anything (so no =),
as the program cannot handle these convincingly
4. Run the converter file
abubelinha / wikidata+pandas.ipynb
Created March 31, 2024 22:49 — forked from sirex/wikidata+pandas.ipynb
Wikidata + Python Pandas.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
abubelinha / Vob2Mp4.bat
Created March 6, 2024 19:16 — forked from andreasbotsikas/Vob2Mp4.bat
Convert DVD to mp4 using ffmpeg
REM Download ffmpeg from
REM Place ffmpeg.exe in the folder with the vob files
REM Merge all vob files into one
REM VTS_01_0.VOB is usually the menu which you may not want
if exist VTS_01_7.VOB (
copy /b VTS_01_1.VOB+VTS_01_2.VOB+VTS_01_3.VOB+VTS_01_4.VOB+VTS_01_5.VOB+VTS_01_6.VOB+VTS_01_7.VOB ConCat.vob
) else if exist VTS_01_6.VOB (
copy /b VTS_01_1.VOB+VTS_01_2.VOB+VTS_01_3.VOB+VTS_01_4.VOB+VTS_01_5.VOB+VTS_01_6.VOB ConCat.vob
) else if exist VTS_01_5.VOB (
abubelinha / annotorious-firebase.html
Created December 16, 2023 20:19 — forked from rsimon/annotorious-firebase.html
Using Firebase as Annotation Backend for Annotorious
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Annotorious | Firebase Demo</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
html, body {
abubelinha / annotorious-opencv-find-contours.js
Created December 16, 2023 20:00 — forked from rsimon/annotorious-opencv-find-contours.js
Sample code for AnnotoriousOSD that automates polygon selection by tracing contours in the selected image section.
import OpenSeadragon from 'openseadragon';
import * as Annotorious from '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon';
import '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon/dist/annotorious.min.css';
* Basic concept for this is from the official OpenCV docs: