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Last active March 31, 2019 17:27
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const T = (x) => ((y) => x)
const F = (x) => ((y) => y)
const ifThenElse = (cond) => ((a) => ((b) => cond(a)(b)))
const cons = (a) => ((b) => ((c) => c(a)(b)))
const car = (l) => l(T)
const cdr = (l) => l(F)
const nil = cons(T)(T)
const isNil = car
const node = (x) => cons(F)(x)
const zero = (f) => ((x) => x)
const one = (f) => ((x) => f(x))
const two = (f) => ((x) => f(f(x)))
const succ = (n) => ((f) => ((x) => f(n(f)(x))))
const three = succ(two)
const four = succ(three)
const five = succ(four) //etc...
const isZero = (n) => n((k) => F)(T)
const pred = (n) => ((f) => ((x) => n((g) => ((h) => h(g(f))))((u) => x)((u) => u)))
const plus = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(f)(n(f)(x)))))
const prod = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => m(n(f))(x))))
const exp = (m) => ((n) => ((f) => ((x) => n(m)(f)(x))))
const minus = (m) => ((n) => n(pred)(m))
const not = (a) => ifThenElse(a)(F)(T)
const and = (a) => ((b) => a(b)(a))
const or = (a) => ((b) => a(a)(b))
const xor = (a) => ((b) => a(not(b))(b))
const leq = (m => ((n) => isZero(minus(m)(n))))
const eq = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(leq(n)(m))))
const lt = (m => ((n) => and(leq(m)(n))(not(eq(m)(n)))))
const fac = (n) => n(c => ((q) => q(succ(c(T)))(prod(c(T))(c(F)))))((q) => one)(F)
//These functions simply help to see and create integers, booleans and lists
function lambdaToBool(b) {
return ifThenElse(b)(true)(false);
function boolToLambda(b) {
return b ? T : F;
function lambdaToInt(n) {
return n((x) => x + 1)(0);
function intToLambda(n) {
if(n === 0) return zero;
else return plus(one)(n == 1 ? zero : intToLambda(n-1));
function listToLambda(l) {
var nl = nil;
for(var e of l.reverse())
nl = cons(node(e))(nl)
return nl;
function lambdaToList(l) {
var a = [];
while(lambdaToBool(not(isNil(car(cdr(l)))))) {
l = cdr(l)
return a;
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