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Rene Dohmen acidjunk

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acidjunk / metadata.json
Last active February 20, 2023 11:35
KPI contract
{"valueParameterInfo":[["Price",{"valueParameterFormat":{"contents":[6,"₳"],"tag":"DecimalFormat"},"valueParameterDescription":"The price of the item."}]],"timeParameterDescriptions":[["Payment deadline","The _**buyer**_ must pay the _price_ of the item by this time, otherwise the contract is cancelled."],["Complaint deadline","The _**buyer**_ can only complain until this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume the transaction went smoothly and pay the _**seller**_."],["Complaint response deadline","If the _**buyer**_ complained, the _**seller**_ must respond before this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume there was a problem with the transaction and refund the _**buyer**_."],["Mediation deadline","If the _**buyer**_ and the _**seller**_ disagree, the _**mediator**_ must weigh in before this deadline, otherwise the contract will assume there was a problem with the transaction and refund the _**buyer**_."]],"roleDescriptions":[["Buyer","The buyer of the item."],["Mediator","The mediator decides w
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 <[email protected]>
# Crop all files in the script folder based on crop info loaded
# from an external "info.txt" which contains info regarding
# where to crop. Crop info format:
# 6 01:30-02:28
# 10 03:30-05:29
acidjunk / bandnames
Created June 2, 2021 23:28
The Pop Rokcers's Club
Rock Rock
Between the Drums and Me
Rock Dream and a Pinch of Saxophone
My Pop Romance
Drums Three
The Rock Heroes of Limburg
------ Start of edit section ------
local desired_temp = 14.0 --Desired temp
local hysteresis = 0.03 --Marge
local sensor = 'Temperatuur' --Name of sensor
local thermostat = 'cv_master' --Master switch (virtuel)
local radiateur = 'cv_switch' --Device to switch on/off
-- End of edit section --

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am acidjunk on github.
  • I am acidjunk ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAL6Iu0bk59tAh-iKJZU9wF1EfL1SAQXunJuRC2xP5xVAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import jsonrpclib
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Try to setup a connection to an Odoo server and report about version.')
parser.add_argument('--url', dest='url', required=True, help='The url you would use to connect to the Odoo instance')
parser.add_argument('--user', dest='user', default='admin', help='The Odoo user')
parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', required=True, help='The Odoo password')
parser.add_argument('--database', dest='database', required=True, help='The Odoo database')
args = parser.parse_args()
"""Kien card generator. This script tries to spread the 90 numbers over the available players in the most honest way"""
import random
grid_size = 15
numbers = range(1, 91)