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Created September 26, 2015 22:27
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visualize the perceptron weight vector changing over training examples
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
normed = lambda v: v / np.linalg.norm(v)
# orthogonal vector in 2 space
orthogonal = lambda v: np.cross(v, [0, 0, 1])[:2]
pltvec = lambda v, **kwargs: plt.plot([0, v[0]], [0, v[1]], **kwargs)
classify = lambda D, weight: (, weight) > 0) * 2 - 1
score = lambda D, weight, y: np.count_nonzero(classify(D, weight) == y)
N = 200
# generate N random x,y points in [-1, 1] x [-1, 1]
D = np.random.ranf(size=(N, 2)) * 2 - 1
Dx, Dy = D.T
# generate random weight
weight = normed(np.random.ranf(size=2))
boundary = orthogonal(weight)
noise = .1
toflip = np.random.ranf(N) < noise
y = classify(D, weight)
y[toflip] = -1 * y[toflip]
Dplus, Dminus = D[y == 1], D[y == -1]
def train(D, Y, iters=3):
nsamples, nfeatures = D.shape
weight = np.zeros(nfeatures)
trace = [weight]
for i in range(iters):
D_perm = D[np.random.shuffle(np.arange(nsamples))][0]
for x, y in zip(D_perm, Y):
activation = y *, weight)
if activation <= 0:
weight += y * x
return np.array(trace)
trace = train(D, y)
trace_norm = trace / np.linalg.norm(trace, axis=1).max()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
plt.xlim(-1, 1)
plt.ylim(-1, 1)
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(trace_norm):
ax.plot3D([0, x], [0, y], i, color='b', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(Dplus[:, 0], Dplus[:, 1], 'b.')
plt.plot(Dminus[:, 0], Dminus[:, 1], 'r.')
pltvec(weight, color='g', label='weight')
pltvec(boundary, color='k', label='boundary')
pltvec(-boundary, color='k')
#for w in trace:
# pltvec(w)
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