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Last active April 24, 2019 23:01
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sub decodeGIF(gifPath as String) = "runDecoder"
m.gifPath = gifPath
m.gifName = CreateObject("roPath", m.gifPath).split().basename = "RUN"
end sub
sub runDecoder()
' Load the main GIF into memory.
' @NOTE: For big GIFs, the bytes of the GIF should be read as needed using:
' `ReadFile(path as String, start_pos as Integer, length as Integer) As Boolean`.
gifBytes = CreateObject("roByteArray")
' Read the header block bytes. The header block always has a length of 6 bytes.
' Ensure the file is a supported gif file.
headerBytes = subByteArrayFrom(gifBytes, 0, 6)
header = headerBytes.toAsciiString()
if header <> "GIF89a"
' Handle unsupported file errors.
end if
' Get the logical screen descriptor.
logicalScreenDescriptorBytes = subByteArrayFrom(gifBytes, 6, 7)
' Get the global color table bytes (if available)
globalColorTableBytes = invalid
globalColorTableSize = colorTableSize(gifBytes, 6, true)
if globalColorTableSize
' The global color table follows the logical screen descriptor
globalColorTableBytes = subByteArrayFrom(gifBytes, 13, globalColorTableSize)
end if
' Concatenate common bytes
gifFrameCommonBytes = createObject("roByteArray")
' The trailer byte that will be always appended to each individual GIF.
trailerByte = createObject("roByteArray")
' Capture all the frames in the GIF and store them as individual GIFs.
frames = []
frameNumber = 0
totalDuration = 0.0
byteIndex = 13 + globalColorTableSize
while byteIndex < gifBytes.count()
increment = 1
hexVal = StrI(gifBytes[byteIndex], 16)
if hexVal = "21" ' Extension block introducer
extensionLabel = StrI(gifBytes[byteIndex + 1], 16)
if extensionLabel = "ff" ' Application extension (will be ignored)
' Skip the application extension block.
' The application extension block has a fixed size of 19
increment = 19
else if extensionLabel = "fe" ' Comment extension (will be ignored)
' Skip the comment extension block.
' The comment extension block ends when a zero-value byte is found.
commentExtensionLastByteIndex = byteIndex + 2
while (gifBytes[commentExtensionLastByteIndex] > 0)
commentExtensionLastByteIndex+= gifBytes[commentExtensionLastByteIndex] + 1
end while
increment = commentExtensionLastByteIndex - byteIndex + 1
else if extensionLabel = "01" ' Plain text extension (will be ignored)
' @TODO: skip all the plain text extension bytes
exit while
else if extensionLabel = "f9" ' Graphic control extension
' The fith byte in the graphic control extension block has the delay time of the next frame.
' This value is represented as hundredths (1/100) of a second.
' @NOTE: The gif spec refers to the fith and the sixth byte but in all the examples only the fith
' value is taken into account, not the sixth.
delayTime = gifBytes[byteIndex + 4] / 100.0
totalDuration+= delayTime
' The graphic control extension block has a fixed size of 8
increment = 8
' Handle invalid extension label error.
exit while
end if
else if hexVal = "2c" ' Image descriptor block
' Get the local color table size so that we can know where the image data starts
localColorTableInfoByteIndex = byteIndex + 9 ' The packed field with the local table info is always in the 10th byte.
localColorTableSize = colorTableSize(gifBytes, byteIndex)
' Determine the image descriptor + the image data size
imageDataByteStartIndex = localColorTableInfoByteIndex + localColorTableSize + 1
imageDataByteEndIndex = imageDataByteStartIndex + 1
while (gifBytes[imageDataByteEndIndex] > 0)
imageDataByteEndIndex+= gifBytes[imageDataByteEndIndex] + 1
end while
imageDescriptorAndDataSize = imageDataByteEndIndex - byteIndex + 1
' Create the new gif file for this frame with the common bytes
gifFramePath = "tmp:/" + m.gifName + "_" + frameNumber.toStr() + ".gif"
' Append the global color table only if there's no local color table for this frame
if localColorTableSize = 0 and globalColorTableBytes <> invalid
globalColorTableBytes.appendFile(gifFramePath, 0, globalColorTableSize)
end if
' Append the image data of this frame
gifBytes.appendFile(gifFramePath, byteIndex, imageDescriptorAndDataSize)
trailerByte.appendFile(gifFramePath, 0, 1)
' Save new gif url
' Go to the next block of data in the next interation
increment = imageDataByteEndIndex - byteIndex + 1
else if hexVal = "3b" ' Trailer (should be the last byte in a gif file)
exit while
end if
byteIndex+= increment
end while
' Notify delegate
fps = totalDuration / frames.count()"gifDecoderDidFinish", frames, fps)
end sub
' Locates the color table based on the descriptor information and returns its size (if a color table is present).
function colorTableSize(gifBytes as Object, descriptorLocation as Integer, global = false as Boolean) as Integer
size = 0
' For the case of image descriptors the packed field with the table info is always in the 10th byte
' and for the case of the logical screen descriptor is always in the 5th byte.
packedFieldLocation = descriptorLocation + 9
if global packedFieldLocation = descriptorLocation + 4
' The color table information is meant to be interpret in is binary (8-bit) representation.
colorTableInfoBits = decimalTo8Bit(gifBytes[packedFieldLocation])
' Check if there is a color table by checking the first bit of the color table info bits.
if colorTableInfoBits.left(1) = "1"
' The bits 1...3 represent the number of bits used for each color table entry minus one.
bitsPerEntry = Val(colorTableInfoBits.right(3), 2) + 1
' The number of colors in the table can be calculated as: `2^(bitsPerEntry)`.
' Which means that the size of the table would be 3*2^(bitsPerEntry).
size = 3 * pow(2, bitsPerEntry)
end if
return size
end function
' Returns a slice of the given array
function subByteArrayFrom(byteArray as Object, location as Integer, length as Integer) as Object
newArray = CreateObject("roByteArray")
for i = location to location + length - 1
end for
return newArray
end function
' Converts the given decimal to its 8-bit representation
function decimalTo8Bit(decimal as Integer) as String
return ("0000000" + StrI(decimal, 2)).right(8)
end function
' Returns a number raised to a given power.
function pow(x as Float, y as Integer) as Float
if y = 0 then return 1
temp = pow(x, y/2)
if y mod 2 = 0 then return temp * temp
if y > 0 then return x * temp * temp
return (temp * temp) / x
end function
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