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Last active January 27, 2020 21:30
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MLflow API proposal

Proposal for changes to MLflow tracking store and artifact repository APIs

This gist sets out proposals for modifying the interfaces to the MLflow stores and artifact repositories. Currently, different implementations of these require different arguments, and the proposals below attempt to make them more consistent.

These changes are motivated in particular by a proposed new plugin system for third party packages to provide implementations of tracking stores and artifact repositories.

Current interfaces

Tracking store

There are currently three implementations of tracking store, with the following interfaces:

  • FileStore(root_directory, artifact_root_uri)
  • SqlAlchemyStore(db_uri, default_artifact_root)
  • RestStore(get_host_creds)

In each case, the first argument provides information on the location of tracking information storage. The second argument to FileStore and SqlAlchemyStore sets the root directory within which artfifacts will be stored. This is overridable when creating an experiment.

Currently, mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store() is responsible for mapping a store URI to an instance of one of the above stores. This includes mapping the scheme from the URI to the relevant store class, plus generating the correct inputs to be passed when instantiating the class.

Artifact repository

There are currently seven implementations of artifact repository, with the following interfaces:

  • LocalArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • S3ArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • GCSArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • AzureBlobArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • FTPArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • SFTPArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
  • DbfsArtifactRepository(artifact_uri, get_host_creds)

All artifact repositories take a URI to identify the location of stored artifacts, with DbfsArtifactRepository requiring an additional get_host_creds, which is taken from an associated RestStore tracking store.

Currently, is responsible for mapping an artifact URI to one of the above stores. In order to support building DbfsArtifactRepository, this method requires the caller to pass a tracking store instance, which must be a RestStore when building a DbfsArtifactRepository, and is ignored otherwise.


We are proposing to make the following changes:

  1. Have the RestStore and DbfsArtifactRepository take a URI as their sole argument, and do the conversion of URI to host credentials internally, using a common helper function.
  2. Remove the store argument from
  3. Require all implementations of tracking store and artifact repository to accept arbitrary keyword arguments (using **kwargs), which would be passed through by mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store.
  4. Make the default_artifact_root argument to the SqlAlchemyStore optional and rename the optional artifact_root_uri argument to FileStore to default_artifact_root.

This would provide the following advantages:

  • The interface for all tracking store and artifact repositories will be the same: StoreOrRepo(uri, **kwargs).
  • As a result, mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store will not need to know different logic for building the arguments to different tracking store and artifact repository implementations.
  • The implementation of artifact repositories will be decoupled from tracking stores.
  • Forwards compatibility will be provided for store implementations that require inputs other than the URI.

Required changes

Separate RestStore and DatabricksRestStore

The proposals above require the tracking store implementations to be responsible for loading their own authentication credentials. To enable this, we suggest separating the RestStore into two classes, one corresponding to the http/https schemes and one corresponding to the databricks scheme.

These would likely be subclasses of a common parent which contains the REST logic, with the subclasses only implementing the loading of host credentials. Below is an illustrative example of how this could be done:

from import AbstractStore
from mlflow.utils import rest_utils
from mlflow.utils.databricks_utils import get_databricks_host_creds

class AbstractRestStore(AbstractStore):

    def __init__(self, store_uri):
        super(AbstractRestStore, self).__init__()
        self.store_uri = store_uri

    def _get_host_creds(self):

    # Current RestStore functionality goes here

class RestStore(AbstractRestStore):

    def _get_host_creds(self):
        # Currently in mlflow.tracking.utils._get_rest_store
        return rest_utils.MlflowHostCreds(
            ) == 'true',

class DatabricksRestStore(AbstractRestStore):

    def _get_host_creds(self):
        # Get the Databricks profile specified by the tracking URI
        parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.store_uri)
        profile = parsed_uri.netloc
        return get_databricks_host_creds(profile)

Decouple DbfsArtifactRepository from RestStore

By making DbfsArtifactRepository responsible for looking up host credentials itself, we can make its interface consistent with the other artifact repository implementations:

import os
from mlflow.utils import rest_utils
from import ArtifactRepository
from mlflow.utils.databricks_utils import get_databricks_host_creds

# Copied from mlflow.tracking.utils for demonstration:

class DbfsArtifactRepository(ArtifactRepository):

    def __init__(self, artifact_uri):
        # get_host_creds argument removed
        cleaned_artifact_uri = artifact_uri.rstrip('/')
        super(DbfsArtifactRepository, self).__init__(cleaned_artifact_uri)
        if not cleaned_artifact_uri.startswith('dbfs:/'):
            raise MlflowException(
                'DbfsArtifactRepository URI must start with dbfs:/'

    def _get_host_creds(self):
        tracking_uri_from_environment = os.environ.get(_TRACKING_URI_ENV_VAR)
        if tracking_uri_from_environment is not None:
            # This enables interoperability with the Java client, which passes
            # this information in the environment
            host_creds = rest_utils.MlflowHostCreds(
                ) == 'true',
            # DBFS URIs do not currently contain a Databricks profile, so load
            # the default profile
            host_creds = get_databricks_host_creds()
        return host_creds

    # Current DbfsArtifactRepository functionality goes here, with calls to
    # self.get_host_creds replaced with calls to self._get_host_creds

Note: The above implementation reimplements logic currently in mlflow.tracking.utils._get_rest_store, but it's intended that some refactoring would place repeated logic in a common location.

This will the permit the removal of the store argument from

class ArtifactRepository:

    # ...

    def from_artifact_uri(artifact_uri):
        if artifact_uri.startswith("s3:/"):
            # Import these locally to avoid creating a circular import loop
            from import S3ArtifactRepository
            return S3ArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
        elif artifact_uri.startswith("gs:/"):
            from import GCSArtifactRepository
            return GCSArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
        elif artifact_uri.startswith("wasbs:/"):
            from import AzureBlobArtifactRepository
            return AzureBlobArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
        elif artifact_uri.startswith("ftp:/"):
            from import FTPArtifactRepository
            return FTPArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
        elif artifact_uri.startswith("sftp:/"):
            from import SFTPArtifactRepository
            return SFTPArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
        elif artifact_uri.startswith("dbfs:/"):
            from import DbfsArtifactRepository
            return DbfsArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)
            from import LocalArtifactRepository
            return LocalArtifactRepository(artifact_uri)

Non-URI arguments as keyword arguments

Proposal 3 above provides a mechanism for tracking store and artifact repository implementations to allow additional customisation options that do not need to be supported by all implementations, and proposal 4 uses this new mechanism to allow callers to customise the default artifact location in the FileStore and SqlAlchemyStore implementations.

The abstract base class for artifact respositories would have its __init__ updated accordingly:

from abc import ABCMeta

class ArtifactRepository:
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, artifact_uri, **_):
        # **_ used instead of **kwargs to keep linters happy with these not
        # being used
        self.artifact_uri = artifact_uri

And all current implementations of both tracking stores and artifact repositories would be updated to accept (and ignore) any passed extra keyword arguments. For example, in the FTP artifact repository:

from six.moves import urllib
from import ArtifactRepository

class FTPArtifactRepository(ArtifactRepository):

    def __init__(self, artifact_uri, **_):
        self.uri = artifact_uri
        parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(artifact_uri)
        self.config = {
            'host': parsed.hostname,
            'port': 21 if parsed.port is None else parsed.port,
            'username': parsed.username,
            'password': parsed.password
        self.path = parsed.path

        if self.config['host'] is None:
            self.config['host'] = 'localhost'

        super(FTPArtifactRepository, self).__init__(artifact_uri)

The interface for building a FileStore would look like:

class FileStore(AbstractStore):
    def __init__(self, store_uri, default_artifact_root=None, **_):
        # Existing implementation with variable names updated and existing
        # logic in case that default_artifact_root is None retained

And the SqlAlchemyStore would look like:


class SqlAlchemyStore(AbstractStore):

    def __init__(self, store_uri, default_artifact_root=None, **_):

        # Implement the same default as in mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store
        # currently:
        if default_artifact_root is None:
            default_artifact_root = DEFAULT_LOCAL_FILE_AND_ARTIFACT_PATH

        # Existing implementation with variable names updated goes here

Note: In this implementation, both mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store and mlflow.server.handlers._get_store remain responsible for mapping environment variables to default artifact locations. They will read the same environment variables as they do at the moment, and pass the keyword argument default_artifact_root to all store implementations on construction, leaving each store responsible for using that information or not.

Issues with this proposal

The main issue with this proposal is that interacting with DBFS artifact locations that require different credentials than those in the user's default Databricks profile does not work. This is because DBFS URIs are context-dependent and do not contain information about which profile / credentials to use.

Ultimately, if we want to remove the existing coupling between the artifact repositories and tracking stores, the DbfsArtifactRepository will need to be responsible for mapping its passed DBFS URI to relevant host credentials by itself. This decoupling brings strong advantages as developers can reason about these parts of the system by themselves, and don't have confusing siutations like not being able to use a DbfsArtifactRepository without having a RestStore-compatible tracking URI.

For the moment, our proposed change may be acceptable as-is if the context in which Databricks users are using MLflow configures the default profile and tracking URI for them. In this case, the default profile will likely be correct for both the REST tracking store and DBFS tracking URI.

The 'best' long term solution would be for the DBFS URIs returned by the tracking store to have enough information to make them universally unique, for instance by including the Databricks profile name or some hostname in the 'netloc' part of the URI, as done currently in databricks scheme tracking URIs.

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acroz commented Feb 20, 2019

Having discussed @aarondav's comment with him directly, I've updated the proposal to use the current logic for the RestStore, which can load host creds from the environment.

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Is there a plan to update mlflow.server.handlers._get_store to call mlflow.tracking.utils._get_store and optionally move the environment variables into this utils function? Currently the handlers call doesn't support plugins.

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