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Adam Cohen acslater00

  • Instacart
  • San Francisco
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Comment: GPGTools -

How Yahoo default waivers work

  • waivers clear tuesday morning
  • each player has a waiver priority, which is initialized to Inverse(Draft Order Position)
  • each waiver request includes [Player to Pick Up | Player To Drop]
  • if multiple managers request to pick up the same player the player goes to the manager with the highest priority
  • each time a waiver succeeds, the priority resets to 14 and all other managers move up (called 'rolling' priority list)

How waiver auctions work

[2015-04-29 19:06:27] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15200ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:30] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15001ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:30] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15001ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:30] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15001ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:31] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15005ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:31] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15070ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:31] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15000ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:32] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error received from ticketcity -- HTTP 599: Timeout 15001ms
[2015-04-29 19:06:33] listingfeed.sources.base - WARNING - Error receive
[Slurp:~]$ curl ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:tm="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl="">
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<s:element name="HelloWorld">
<s:complexType />
<s:element name="HelloWorldResponse">
acslater00 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Bot Traffic

First, most bot traffic doesn't use a browser, it just makes raw web requests to grab whatever content it is interested in. This means it does not request javascript or images, and as a result, most analytics packages use javascript or tiny fake images to track traffic/impressions. This is first & most obvious line of defense.

Second is something called a user agent, which identifies the source of traffic via a label. This is easy to fake -- I can make a bot request with a user agent that looks like an iphone safari browser, but much bot traffic doesn't bother.

Those two things catch ~all cases where bot is not trying to hide the fact that it is a bot. The alternative is surprisingly rare, at least in my experience. Beyond that you can do things like analyze user behavior to look for unusual patterns (e.g. hitting every article on a site exactly once) to get the rest.

Not perfect, but not something we worry about on a daily basis in the industry.

acslater00 /
Created September 15, 2011 00:27
import numpy as np
import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm
from pandas import *
df = DataFrame(transactions)
# easy aggregates
print np.mean(df['x'])
print np.mean(df['price'])
from fabric.api import *
env.hosts = ['[email protected]]
def deploy(staging="/home/acslater/staging/iris", target="/home/acslater/"):
# pull latest code
with cd(staging):
run("git pull origin master")