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Last active August 13, 2024 10:30
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  • Save actionjack/38d9904e4817a689894c039501c382f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# GitHub Container Registry API URL for trivy-db container package
# Function to run jq using Docker
docker_jq() {
docker run --rm -i alpine:latest sh -c "apk add --no-cache jq > /dev/null 2>&1 && jq $*"
# Function to check for recent updates
check_recent_update() {
if [ -z "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]; then
echo "Error: GITHUB_TOKEN is not set. Please set it with your GitHub Personal Access Token."
echo "Example: export GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_your_token_here"
return 1
echo "Fetching trivy-db container information..."
# Fetch the container package information
response=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
echo "Attempting to extract information..."
# Extract the latest version information using jq
latest_version=$(echo "$response" | docker_jq -r '.[0]')
if [ "$latest_version" == "null" ] || [ -z "$latest_version" ]; then
echo "Error: Unable to extract version information from the API response."
echo "Full API response:"
echo "$response" | docker_jq .
return 1
tag=$(echo "$latest_version" | docker_jq -r '.metadata.container.tags[0]')
last_updated=$(echo "$latest_version" | docker_jq -r '.updated_at')
echo "Debug: Latest tag: $tag"
echo "Debug: Last updated: $last_updated"
# Convert the timestamp to Unix epoch time
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# macOS
updated_at_epoch=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" "$last_updated" "+%s")
# Linux
updated_at_epoch=$(date -d "$last_updated" +%s)
# Get the current time in Unix epoch time
current_time=$(date +%s)
# Calculate the time difference in seconds
time_diff=$((current_time - updated_at_epoch))
# 6 hours in seconds
six_hours=$((6 * 3600))
if [ $time_diff -le $six_hours ]; then
hours=$((time_diff / 3600))
minutes=$(( (time_diff % 3600) / 60 ))
seconds=$((time_diff % 60))
echo "A recent update was made ${hours} hours ${minutes} minutes ${seconds} seconds ago!"
echo "Latest trivy-db container version: $tag"
echo "Updated at: $last_updated"
echo "No recent updates in the last 6 hours."
echo "Latest trivy-db container version: $tag"
echo "Last update was at: $last_updated"
# Check if Docker is installed and running
if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null || ! docker info &> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: Docker is not installed or not running. Please install Docker and ensure it's running."
exit 1
# Run the function
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