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The beginnings of a simple imperative language in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main where
-- This is a simple dynamically typed imperative language with mutable state. It's somewhat similar to JavaScript, but
-- it differs in many ways. There are a few notable oddities to the language that I'm still working out. For instance,
-- we don't have reference types. In most languages you would write something like this:
-- foo = new Person("Mike")
-- bar = foo
-- foo.first_name = "Michael"
-- foo.first_name
-- # => "Michael"
-- bar.first_name
-- # => "Michael"
-- Since this language doesn't yet have reference types, you'd end up with this surprising result:
-- foo = new Person("Mike")
-- bar = foo
-- foo.first_name = "Michael"
-- foo.first_name
-- # => "Michael"
-- bar.first_name
-- # => "Mike"
-- Additionally, while functions get their own local scope, it's based on the scope they're being called
-- from, not the scope where they were defined. I'm working on fixing that as well, but it runs into the
-- same problems with immutability that make reference types a bit challenging.
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.List (intercalate, findIndex)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Control.Applicative
-- These are the basic data types so far.
data Object = OBool Bool
| ONil
| OInt Int
| OArray (S.Seq Object)
-- [String] represents the argument names, while `Action` is the bodyof the function.
| OFunc [String] Action
-- These haven't really been fleshed out yet.
| OClass {
className :: String,
parentClass :: Object,
classProperties :: Object,
instanceProperties :: Object
-- These also aren't really working yet.
| OObj {
oClass :: Object,
instanceState :: M.Map String Object
-- Not an elegant FFI, but it works.
| NativeFunc ([Object] -> Object)
instance Show Object where
show (OBool True) = "true"
show (OBool False) = "false"
show ONil = "nil"
show (OInt x) = show x
show (OArray s) = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (toList $ fmap show s) ++ "]"
show (OFunc args body) = "func(" ++ intercalate ", " args ++ ") { " ++ show body ++ " }"
show (OClass name _ _ _) = name
show (OObj cls _) = "<" ++ show cls ++ ">"
show (NativeFunc _) = "[NativeFunction]"
-- These represent a scope for variables. There's a global one, and functions get their own local scope.
-- The `objects` Seq is like a local heap. It isn't really being used yet. It's a stub for a later idea.
data Scope = Scope {
bindings :: M.Map String Object,
objects :: S.Seq Object
instance Show Scope where
show world = showMap $ bindings world
-- These are part of my (in progress) plan to implement reference types. Haskell has no concept of reference types,
-- because everything is immutable. This language has mutable state, so we'll need reference types.
-- The idea is that reference type objects will go into a heap, and a reference will point to an offset
-- in that heap. Instead of variables pointint directly at objects, they will point at references. That
-- means we can create a new `Scope` (with a different object at a given index), and now references will
-- look at their index in the new heap, and we've got something that looks like reference types.
data Reference = Reference {
refContext :: Scope,
refIndex :: Int
-- These are the kinds of things you can do in the language.
data Action = Assign String Action -- Bind a value to a name
| Lookup String -- Lookup a value in the current scope
| If Action Action Action -- If statements with an else. Else-if can be implemented by putting nested `If`s on the else-side.
| Value Object -- Fully reduced values. Things like OInt, OBool, etc.
| RefVal Reference
| AndThen Action Action -- This is how multiple expressions are chained together.
| BinOper BinOp Action Action -- Binary operations (+, &&, ||, etc.)
| IBinOper IBinOp Action Action -- In-place binary operations (+=, *=, etc.)
| IUnaryOper IUnaryOp Action -- In-place unary operations (++, --, etc.)
| ArrayView Action Action -- Indexing into an array
| NativeCall Object [Action] -- Calling a native Haskell function
| FuncDef String [String] Action -- A named function (anonymous functions are just a kind of `Value`).
| FuncCall Action [Action] -- Calling a function with arguments
| WithScope Scope Action -- Introducing a new scope (for functions)
data BinOp = Add
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Divide
| GreaterThan
| LessThan
| And
| Or
data IBinOp = IAdd
| ISubtract
| IMultiply
| IDivide
data IUnaryOp = Increment
| Decrement
-- For printing out the contents of Scopes
showMap :: (Show a, Show b) => M.Map a b -> String
showMap m = "{" ++ intercalate ", " ((\(k, v) -> show k ++ ": " ++ show v) <$> M.toList m) ++ "}"
instance Show Action where
show (Assign name value) = name ++ " = " ++ show value
show (Lookup name) = name
show (If cond left right) = "if (" ++ show cond ++ ") { " ++ show left ++ " } else { " ++ show right ++ " }"
show (Value v) = show v
show (AndThen left right) = show left ++ "; \n" ++ show right
show (BinOper GreaterThan left right) = show left ++ " > " ++ show right
show (BinOper LessThan left right) = show left ++ " < " ++ show right
show (BinOper Add left right) = show left ++ " + " ++ show right
show (BinOper Subtract left right) = show left ++ " - " ++ show right
show (BinOper Multiply left right) = show left ++ " * " ++ show right
show (BinOper Divide left right) = show left ++ " / " ++ show right
show (BinOper And left right) = show left ++ " && " ++ show right
show (BinOper Or left right) = show left ++ " || " ++ show right
show (IUnaryOper Increment val) = show val ++ "++"
show (IUnaryOper Decrement val) = show val ++ "--"
show (IBinOper IAdd left right) = show left ++ " += " ++ show right
show (IBinOper ISubtract left right) = show left ++ " -= " ++ show right
show (IBinOper IMultiply left right) = show left ++ " *= " ++ show right
show (IBinOper IDivide left right) = show left ++ " /= " ++ show right
show (ArrayView ary idx) = show ary ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]"
show (NativeCall _ _) = "[NativeCall]"
show (RefVal (Reference _ i)) = "[Reference#" ++ show i ++ "]"
show (FuncDef name args body) = "def " ++ name ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " args ++ ") { " ++ show body ++ " }"
show (FuncCall fn args) = show fn ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (fmap show args) ++ ")"
show (WithScope w body) = "<local scope " ++ show w ++ "> {\n" ++ show body ++ "\n}"
-- Part of my not-quite-working plan for reference types.
createObj :: Object -> State Scope Reference
createObj val = do
w <- get
let idx = S.length $ objects w
let n = w { objects = objects w S.|> val }
put n
return $ Reference n idx
-- Value actions are fully reduced, everything else can be reduced further.
reducible :: Action -> Bool
reducible (Value _) = False
reducible _ = True
-- Just a shortcut to make the view patterns more terse.
anyReducible :: [Action] -> Bool
anyReducible = any reducible
-- Reduce the first reducible Action in a list. Mostly used for arguments.
reduceFirst :: [Action] -> State Scope [Action]
reduceFirst xs = do
let i = fromMaybe (error "Could not find argument") $ findIndex reducible xs
evaluated <- reduce $ xs !! i
return $ take i xs ++ [evaluated] ++ drop (i + 1) xs
-- False and Nil are falsey, everything else is truthy.
isTruthy :: Action -> Bool
isTruthy (Value (OBool False)) = False
isTruthy (Value ONil) = False
isTruthy (Value _) = True
isTruthy _ = error "Only values can be checked for truthiness. Did you forget to reduce something?"
-- Shortcut for printing out type errors for binary operators
twoOpErr :: String -> String -> a
twoOpErr op ty = error $ op ++ ": Left and right operands must both be " ++ ty
-- Shortcut for printing out type errors for unary operators
oneOpErr :: String -> String -> a
oneOpErr op ty = error $ op ++ ": Operand must be " ++ ty
-- Run a binary operator.
runBinOp :: BinOp -> Object -> Object -> Object
runBinOp Add (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left + right
runBinOp Add _ _ = twoOpErr "+" "integers"
runBinOp Subtract (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left - right
runBinOp Subtract _ _ = twoOpErr "-" "integers"
runBinOp Multiply (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left * right
runBinOp Multiply _ _ = twoOpErr "*" "integers"
runBinOp Divide (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left `div` right
runBinOp Divide _ _ = twoOpErr "/" "integers"
runBinOp GreaterThan (OInt left) (OInt right) = OBool $ left > right
runBinOp GreaterThan _ _ = twoOpErr ">" "integers"
runBinOp LessThan (OInt left) (OInt right) = OBool $ left < right
runBinOp LessThan _ _ = twoOpErr "<" "integers"
runBinOp And (OBool left) (OBool right) = OBool $ left && right
runBinOp And _ _ = twoOpErr "&&" "booleans"
runBinOp Or (OBool left) (OBool right) = OBool $ left || right
runBinOp Or _ _ = twoOpErr "||" "booleans"
-- Run an in-place unary operator
runIUnaryOp :: IUnaryOp -> Object -> Object
runIUnaryOp Increment (OInt val) = OInt $ val + 1
runIUnaryOp Increment _ = oneOpErr "++" "integer"
runIUnaryOp Decrement (OInt val) = OInt $ val - 1
runIUnaryOp Decrement _ = oneOpErr "--" "integer"
-- Run an in-place binary operator
runIBinOp :: IBinOp -> Object -> Object -> Object
runIBinOp IAdd (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left + right
runIBinOp IAdd _ _ = twoOpErr "+=" "integers"
runIBinOp ISubtract (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left - right
runIBinOp ISubtract _ _ = twoOpErr "-=" "integers"
runIBinOp IMultiply (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left * right
runIBinOp IMultiply _ _ = twoOpErr "*=" "integers"
runIBinOp IDivide (OInt left) (OInt right) = OInt $ left `div` right
runIBinOp IDivide _ _ = twoOpErr "/=" "integers"
-- Unwrap a list of Values into a list of Objects
fromValues :: [Action] -> [Object]
fromValues = fmap fromValue
-- A Value wraps an Object. This extracts the Object.
fromValue :: Action -> Object
fromValue (Value x) = x
fromValue _ = error "Cannot get value from non-Value"
reduce :: Action -> State Scope Action
-- Here's where the important stuff lives. `reduce` performs a single step. Usually it checks to see
-- if the arguments are fully reduced. If not, it returns a duplicate of the Action with a reduced
-- argument. Once everything is reduced, it performs its operation.
reduce (NativeCall fn args@(anyReducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduceFirst args
return $ NativeCall fn evaluated
reduce (NativeCall (NativeFunc fn) args) = return $ Value $ fn $ fromValues args
reduce (NativeCall _ _) = error "Something went wrong when reducing a NativeCall"
reduce (IBinOper op name value@(reducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduce value
return $ IBinOper op name evaluated
-- These in-place operators work in a weird way. I need the name of the binding to modify. I get it
-- by not fully reducing a Lookup, and extracting its name. I reallly don't like this approach, but
-- I'm not sure how to make it better.
reduce (IBinOper op (Lookup name) (Value value)) = do
w <- get
let old = M.lookup name $ bindings w
let modified = runIBinOp op (fromMaybe (error "cannot modify non-existent value") old) value
put $ w { bindings = M.insert name modified (bindings w) }
return $ Value modified
reduce IBinOper{} = error "Unsupported type of in-place binary operation"
reduce (IUnaryOper op (Lookup name)) = do
w <- get
let old = M.lookup name (bindings w)
let modified = runIUnaryOp op (fromMaybe (error "Cannot modify non-existent value") old)
put $ w { bindings = M.insert name modified (bindings w) }
return $ Value modified
reduce IUnaryOper{} = error "Unsupported type of unary operation"
reduce (BinOper op left@(reducible -> True) right) = do
evaluated <- reduce left
return $ BinOper op evaluated right
reduce (BinOper op left right@(reducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduce right
return $ BinOper op left evaluated
reduce (BinOper op (Value left) (Value right)) = return $ Value $ runBinOp op left right
reduce BinOper{} = error "This shouldn't happen"
reduce (Assign name value@(reducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduce value
return $ Assign name evaluated
reduce (Assign name (Value value)) = do
w <- get
let newScope = M.insert name value $ bindings w
put $ w { bindings = newScope}
return $ Value value
reduce (Assign _ _) = error "This shouldn't happen"
reduce (Lookup name) = do
w <- get
let m = M.lookup name (bindings w)
return $ Value $ fromMaybe ONil m
reduce (Value o) = return $ Value o
reduce (RefVal r) = return $ RefVal r
reduce (If cond@(reducible -> True) whenTrue whenFalse) = do
evaluated <- reduce cond
return $ If evaluated whenTrue whenFalse
reduce (If (isTruthy -> True) whenTrue _) = return whenTrue
reduce (If (isTruthy -> False) _ whenFalse) = return whenFalse
reduce If{} = error "You somehow ended up with a non-reducible IF condition that isn't truthy or falsey. Weird."
reduce (AndThen left@(reducible -> True) right) = do
evaluated <- reduce left
return $ AndThen evaluated right
reduce (AndThen _ right) = return right
reduce (ArrayView ary@(reducible -> True) idx) = do
evaluated <- reduce ary
return $ ArrayView evaluated idx
reduce (ArrayView ary idx@(reducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduce idx
return $ ArrayView ary evaluated
reduce (ArrayView (Value (OArray ary)) (Value (OInt idx))) = return $ Value $ S.index ary idx
reduce ArrayView{} = error "Can only do array access on arrays with integers"
reduce (FuncDef name args body) = return $ Assign name $ Value $ OFunc args body
reduce (FuncCall fn@(reducible -> True) args) = do
evaluated <- reduce fn
return $ FuncCall evaluated args
reduce (FuncCall fn args@(anyReducible -> True)) = do
evaluated <- reduceFirst args
return $ FuncCall fn evaluated
reduce (FuncCall (Value (OFunc fargs body)) args) = do
let args' = zip fargs args
currentScope <- get
return $ WithScope currentScope (AndThen (makeBindings args') body)
-- If FuncCall has a NativeFunc (rather than a regular OFunc), then it returns a NativeCall. This way the
-- parser won't need to know which functions are native and which are regular.
reduce (FuncCall (Value fn@(NativeFunc _)) args) = return $ NativeCall fn args
reduce (FuncCall _ _) = error "Tried to call a function strangely"
-- Reducing a WithScope involves using a nested State monad. This allows us to leave our parent
-- Scope alone.
reduce (WithScope world body@(reducible -> True)) = do
let (evaluated, scope) = runState (reduce body) world
return $ WithScope scope evaluated
reduce (WithScope _ body) = return body
-- This takes a list of variable names, and a list of values. It creates a series of `AndThen` actions
-- with Assign nodes in them. This is how we bind arguments inside of functions.
makeBindings :: [(String, Action)] -> Action
makeBindings [] = Value ONil
makeBindings ((name, obj):xs) = AndThen (Assign name obj) (makeBindings xs)
runProg :: Action -> Scope -> IO ()
runProg a w = do
let (a', w') = runState (reduce a) w
putStrLn $ "\nGlobal Scope: " ++ show w' ++ "\n"
print a'
when (reducible a') $ runProg a' w'
-- An example foreign function
isONil' :: Object -> Bool
isONil' ONil = True
isONil' _ = False
isONil :: [Object] -> Object
isONil (x:_) = OBool $ isONil' x
isONil _ = OBool True
-- The starting global scope, pre-populated with our foreign function.
initScope :: Scope
initScope = Scope (M.fromList [("is_nil?", NativeFunc isONil)]) empty
main :: IO ()
main = do
print prog
runProg prog initScope
prog = AndThen
(FuncDef "try" ["x", "fn"]
(If (FuncCall (Lookup "is_nil?") [(Lookup "x")])
(Value ONil)
(FuncCall (Lookup "fn") [(Lookup "x")])))
(FuncDef "add2" ["a"]
(BinOper Add (Lookup "a") (Value $ OInt 2)))
(FuncCall (Lookup "try") [Value $ OInt 3, Lookup "add2"]))
def try(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } };
def add2(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"is_nil?": [NativeFunction]}
try = func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } };
def add2(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } };
def add2(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
def add2(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
add2 = func(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
func(a) { a + 2 };
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
try(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }(3, add2)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }(3, func(a) { a + 2 })
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}> {
x = 3;
fn = func(a) { a + 2 };
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
fn = func(a) { a + 2 };
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
fn = func(a) { a + 2 };
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
func(a) { a + 2 };
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if ([NativeFunction](x)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if ([NativeFunction](3)) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if ([NativeCall]) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
if (false) { nil } else { fn(x) }
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
func(a) { a + 2 }(x)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
func(a) { a + 2 }(3)
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
a = 3;
a + 2
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
<local scope {"a": 3, "add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
a + 2
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
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a + 2
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
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a + 2
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
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3 + 2
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
<local scope {"a": 3, "add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
<local scope {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "fn": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }, "x": 3}> {
Global Scope: {"add2": func(a) { a + 2 }, "is_nil?": [NativeFunction], "try": func(x, fn) { if (is_nil?(x)) { nil } else { fn(x) } }}
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