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Last active January 13, 2018 11:10
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  • Save actsasgeek/398675c9254dbadd3826fda4784372d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save actsasgeek/398675c9254dbadd3826fda4784372d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
For the Atom Editor, using Proto REPL and vim-mode-plus together. This allows you to use `,` as a leader instead of `ctrl-alt-,`. Very simplistic.
', l': 'proto-repl:toggle'
', L': 'proto-repl:toggle'
', y': 'proto-repl:remote-nrepl-connection'
', j': 'proto-repl:start-self-hosted-repl'
', e': 'proto-repl:exit-repl'
', k': 'proto-repl:clear-repl'
', S': 'proto-repl:toggle-auto-scroll'
', b': 'proto-repl:execute-block'
', B': 'proto-repl:execute-top-block'
', f': 'proto-repl:load-current-file'
', r': 'proto-repl:refresh-namespaces'
', R': 'proto-repl:super-refresh-namespaces'
', p': 'proto-repl:pretty-print'
', x': 'proto-repl:run-tests-in-namespace'
', t': 'proto-repl:run-test-under-cursor'
', a': 'proto-repl:run-all-tests'
', d': 'proto-repl:print-var-documentation'
', c': 'proto-repl:print-var-code'
', o': 'proto-repl:open-file-containing-var' # Opens the code of the var or namespace under the cursor. This works even with vars defined in libraries.
', n': 'proto-repl:list-ns-vars' # Lists the vars in the namespace under the cursor.
', N': 'proto-repl:list-ns-vars-with-docs' # Lists the vars in the namespace under the cursor with documentation.
', I': 'proto-repl:insert-save-value-call' # Inserts a call to proto/save with a unique id
', D': 'proto-repl:display-saved-values' # Displays values saved using the proto/save function.
', C': 'proto-repl:clear-saved-values' # Clears previously saved values using the proto/save function.
', s': 'proto-repl:execute-selected-text'
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