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Created April 13, 2024 09:08
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# turn GCP (Google Cloud Platform) metadata key/values into shell environment variables
# Function to fetch metadata and set as environment variable
fetch_and_export() {
local path=$1
local value=$(curl "${path}" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" --silent)
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$value" ]; then
# Convert metadata keys to uppercase and replace invalid characters for shell variable names
local varname=$(echo $path | tr '[:lower:]/-' '[:upper:]__')
# Special handling for the instance zone to extract only the last part
if [ "$path" == "instance/zone" ]; then
value=$(basename "$value")
# Remove 'PROJECT__' prefix if present
varname=$(echo $varname | sed 's/^PROJECT_PROJECT_/PROJECT_/')
varname=$(echo $varname | sed 's/^PROJECT_NUMERIC_PROJECT_ID/PROJECT_NUMERIC_ID/')
# Export the environment variable
export "$varname"="$value"
#echo "Exported $varname"
# Metadata paths to fetch and set as environment variables
# Loop through the metadata paths and set environment variables
for path in "${METADATA_PATHS[@]}"; do
fetch_and_export $path
# Now, print all environment variables that were set
printenv | grep '^INSTANCE_' || echo "No instance-specific environment variables were set."
printenv | grep '^PROJECT_' || echo "No project-specific environment variables were set."
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