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This Linux cheat sheets are intended to give a list of most useful bash commands and utilities. They will be divided as four main sheets: a general list, a list for sys admin, a list for networking, and a list for bash scripting utilities
==============================================Basic Comands===============================================
cat FILE Displays FILE's content (moves FILE content to standard output,
hence, if multiple files are specified, it concatenates them all)
cat > FILE Creates/overrides FILE's content with standard input
cd DIR Moves to DIR directory
cp FILE DEST Copies file FILE to DEST
cp DIR/{FILE1,FILE2,...,FILEN} DEST Copies files from FILE1 to FILEN to DEST
cp -R DIR DEST Copies DIR directory and it's content to DEST
echo TEXT Prints TEXT
find DIR -name FILE -type TYPE Find all the files named like FILE of the type TYPE
(d,c,f,b,p,l,s) from DIR directory and ahead (sublevels, never
goes to upper levels from DIR)
grep PATT FILE Search PATT pattern in FILE and displays all the lines which
contain it. Usually used with a pipe, example: CMD | grep PATT
gzip FILE Compress FILE into FILE.gz; original file IS NOT kept (use
-k flag if you wish to keep it)
gzip -d FILE Decompress FILE (must be a valid gz file). You can use
'gunzip' instead, it will reproduce same result
head FILE Shows first 10 lines of FILE
history Shows your history of used commands
jobs -l Displays current jobs
less FILE Displays FILE's content in a paginted way (is more than more)
ls -alFh DIR Displays contents of DIR directory, including hidden files (a),
With details as a list (l), differentiating regular files from
directories (F), and showing human readable byte amounts (h)
more FILE Displays File's content in a paginated way
mkdir -p DIR/INNERDIR Creates DIR directory and INNERDIR directory (optional)
mv FILE DEST Moves file FILE to DEST
mv DIR/{FILE1,FILE2,...,FILEN} DEST Moves files from FILE1 to FILEN to DEST
mv -R DIR DEST Moves DIR directory and it's content to DEST
pwd Displays current working directory
pushd DIR Pushs DIR directory to a directory stack
popd Pops out an element from the directory stack
rm -R DIR Deletes DIR directory and it's content
rmdir DIR Deletes DIR directory. (MUST BE EMPTY)
rm FILE Deletes FILE file
tar -cvzf TARNAME FILE Compress(-c) and zips(-z) the specified (with -f) FILE file
or directory into the TARNAME file (must be '*.tar.gz' or
'*.tgz'). For just compressing FILE, use -cvf options and use
.tar extension in TARNAME.
NOTE: 'f' option must be in last place
tar -tvf TARNAME Displays(-t) TARNAME's content (must be a valid tar file)
NOTE: 'f' option must be in last place
tar -xvf TARNAME Extracts(-x) TARNAME's content in current directory. If you
wants to extract to a different directory, add
"-C DIR" option, where DIR is a valid directory
NOTE: 'f' option must be in last place
tail FILE Shows last 10 lines of FILE
touch FILE Creates an empty file with FILE name
vim FILE Creates/opens FILE in VIM editor to edit it's content
./FILE Executes FILE
===============================================Admin tools================================================
cut -d "DEL" -f "1,2,...,N" FILE Splits each line of FILE into columns defined by DEL separator
(delimiter), and displaying only the columns specified by -f
chgrp GRP FILE Changes default group of FILE to GRP
chmod PERM FILE Changes system security permissions of FILE to PERM (bits or
chown OWN FILE Changes the default owner of FILE to OWN
df -h Lists filesystems information with human readable amounts (-H).
This includes hardrives and external drives (such as USB)
eject /dev/DEVICE Unmounts and eject the specified DEVICE device
env Displays all environment variables
export VAR=HUE Define VAR variable with HUE value and make it part of
environment (just for your current shell and subsequents
free -h Shows memory stats with human readable amounts (-h)
groups USER Displays the groups to which USER belongs to (default $USER)
gpasswd -a USER GRP Adds USER user to GRP group
gpasswd -d USER GRP Deletes USER user from GRP group
id USERID Displays user and group information of specified USERID id
(default $UID)
kill -9 PID Sends a SIGKILL signal to the process with the PID id. ( SIGKILL
instantly terminates the process)
killall -9 PNAME Sends a SIGKILL signal to the process with the PNAME name.
(SIGKILL instantly terminates the process)
lsusb Displays information about USB buses and connected USB devices
man CMD Displays manual pages for CMD
passwd USER Changes/sets a new password for USER user
ps -fea Displays current status from all running processes
sed 's/PATT/REP/g' FILE Replaces every instance in FILE that match PATT pattern
(can be a regex) with REP text
shutdown -h TIME Shutdown the computer at TIME (use 'now' for instant shutdown)
shutdown -r TIME Reboot the computer at TIME (use 'now' for instant reboot)
su USER Login as USER (default is 'root' user)
sudo USER CMD Executes CMD as USER (default is 'root' user)
top Displays a real-time stats of the system running information
type CMD Displays where CMD executable file is or if it's a built-in
shell command
useradd -m -U USER Creates a new user named USER, and a group with the same
name (-U). It also creates the user's home directory (-m).
userdel -f USER Deletes USER user, it's mailing pool and it's home directory
usermod -aG GRP USER Adds USER user to GRP group
which CMD Displays where CMD executable file is located
who -H Displays users logged in, with heading information (H)
whoami Displays your username (same as echo $USER)
=============================================Networking tools=============================================
curl -X METH -d "DATA" -H"Head" URL Sends a request to URL using the METH (POST, GET, etc.)
method and the HEAD header, providing DATA as part of the body
iftop -i INTERFACE Shows network stats in specified INTERFACE
lsof -i :PORT Shows real-time process and network information about
the resources using the specified PORT
nethogs INTERFACE Shows real-time network stats about processes using the
specified network interface INTERFACE (default is all of them)
netstat --inet -apn Lists DARPA (ipv4) network connections (--inet), showing all
sockets (-a) used, also displaying it's belonging processes (-p)
without resolving ip directions nor port names (-n)
nmap -sA NETWORK Scans the given NETWORK (example, looking for
connected devices
nmcli con add con-name NAME Add a new TYPE (ethernet,wifi,etc.) connection for the specified
ifname INTERFACE type TYPE INTERFACE interface (use * for all), using the given IP/NETMASK
ip4 IP/NETMASK gw4 GATEWAY and the GATEWAY gateway
nmcli dev status Shows network devices status
(nmcli works on Debian and RHEL based)
nmcli con down CONNAME Disconects computer from CONNAME connection
nmcli con mod CONAME PROP NEW Modifies CONAME connection, setting PROP property to NEW value
(to see full list of properties avialable and it's current
values use 'nmcli con show id CONAME' )
nmcli con show Shows avialable network connections (may be down or up)
nmcli con show id CONAME Shows profile information about CONAME connection
nmcli con up CONNAME ifname INTERFACE Connects computer to CONNAME connection using given INTERFACE
(default is predefined interface, hence, can be omitted)
nmcli radio wifi STATE Changes wifi radio status to STATE ('on' or 'off')
nslookup URL Resolves the given URL name into the actual ip address
ping URL Sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to the specified URL to elicit an
route -ve Shows ip table with verbose(-v) and extended(-e) information
ssh USER@URL -i PRIVATEKEY Starts a ssh session with the USER user at the given URL server,
using the specified (-i) PRIVATEKEY file
tracepath URL Traces the route between your computer and the URL server
============================================File descriptors==============================================
0 Standard input (stdin). Regularly keyboard
1 Standard output (stdout). Regularly display
2 Standard error (stderr). Regularly display
======================================System security permissions=========================================
a All
g Group
o Others
u User (owner)
r Read ('4' as decimal or '100' as binary)
w Write ('2' as decimal or '010' as binary)
x Execute ('1' as decimal or '001' as binary)
LETTER+PERM Add PERM permission(s) to LETTER group(s) (example, a+rw)
LETTER-PERM Removes PERM permission(s) to LETTER group(s) (example, og-r)
LETTER=PERM Sets PERM permission(s) to LETTER group(s) (example, u=rwx)
===========================================Linux file types===============================================
f ('-') Regular file
d Directory file
s Socket file
p Named pipe file
c Character device file
l Symbolic link file
b block device file
============================================Special operators=============================================
CMD > FILE Redirects standard output stream to FILE
CMD >> FILE Redirects and appends standard output stream to FILE
CMD &> FILE Redirects standard error and output streams to FILE
CMD 2> FILE Redirects standard error stream to FILE
CMD 2>> FILE Redirects and appends standard error to FILE
N>&Y Redirects N stream to Y stream
CMD < FILE Takes FILE as standard input for CMD
CMD << CONTENT Takes CONTENT from standard input for CMD
CMD & Executes CMD as a background process (job)
CMD1 | CMD2 Executes CMD1, then executes CMD2 taking CMD1 output as input
(CMD) Executes CMD in a subshell
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