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Created October 20, 2014 21:42
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(def data
{:name "Adam Trepanier"
:date-of-birth "1981-04-30"
:gender "male"
:patient-key "test-adam"
:status "active"
:phone "555-555-5555"
:shipping-address {:street "123 Foo Bar Way"
:city "Somwhere"
:state "CA"
:postal-code "55555"
:orders [{:order-key "GHF12D3"
:branch-code "01-Machinaw"
:ordered-on "2014-01-20"
:supply-part-key "CPAP 2"
:status "closed"
:supply-category-key "unit"
:order-type "D"}
{:order-key "FDJ900"
:branch-code "02-Oconto"
:ordered-on "2014-08-05"
:supply-part-key "tube2"
:status "closed"
:supply-category-key "tubing"
:order-type "P"}
{:order-key "ADE678"
:branch-code "01-Machinaw"
:ordered-on "2014-05-16"
:supply-part-key "mask2"
:status "open"
:supply-category-key "mask"
:order-type "D"}
{:order-key "ZXC098"
:branch-code "03-Brownsvile"
:ordered-on "2014-01-02"
:supply-part-key "CPAP 2"
:status "closed"
:supply-category-key "unit"
:order-type "P"}]})
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