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Last active January 22, 2023 09:42
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Clojure/babashka script to help automate some of my video editing pipeline
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns vidwiz.main
"This is a prototype script for automating a portion of my video editing using ffmpeg."
(:require [ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.string :as st]
[cheshire.core :refer [parse-string]]))
;; util
(defn get-extension
(re-find #"\.[A-Za-z\d+]+" fname))
;; thanks to Burin (@burinc) for an improved impl.
(defn get-resolution
(when-let [{:keys [width height]}
(-> (sh "ffprobe"
"-of" "json"
(parse-string true)
[width height]))
(defn overlay-offsets
[{:keys [border base-dims overlay-dims pos gap fname]}]
(let [{:keys [width]} border
[cw ch] (map #(+ (* 2 width) %) overlay-dims)
{:keys [h v]} pos
[sw sh] base-dims]
[(cond (= h :l) gap
(= h :c) (- (/ sw 2) (/ cw 2))
(= h :r) (- sw gap cw))
(cond (= v :t) gap
(= v :c) (- (/ sh 2) (/ ch 2))
(= v :b) (- sh gap ch))]))
(defn get-bg-color
(let [nfname (st/replace fname (get-extension fname) ".png")]
(sh "ffmpeg" "-i" fname
"-frames:v" "1"
(str "[0:v]crop=4:4:100:500")
"-y" (str nfname))
(sh "convert" nfname "-colors" "1" nfname)
(let [col (->> (sh "identify" "-verbose" nfname)
(drop-while #(not (st/includes? % "Histogram")))
(re-find #"\#......"))]
(sh "rm" nfname)
(defn crop-pad-screen
"A multi-step transformation for screen recording footage.
The following sequence of transforms are handled using ffmpeg's 'filter_complex':
- crop and pad screen recording
- cut screen footage into left side and right side
- create a 1920x1080 image with the background color as the fill
- stitch left and right side back together
- overlay stitched screen recording onto the bg image with calculated offset values"
[{:keys [fname left right] :as m}]
(let [[w h] (get-resolution fname)
props (merge m {:border {:width 0 :color ""}
:base-dims [1920 1080]
:overlay-dims [(+ (:width left) (:width right)) h]})
[ow oh] (overlay-offsets props)
col (get-bg-color fname)]
(sh "ffmpeg"
"-i" fname
"-f" "lavfi"
"-i" (str "color=" col ":s=1920x1080")
(str "[0:v]crop=" (:width left) ":" h ":" (:offset left) ":0[l];"
"[0:v]crop=" (:width right) ":" h ":" (- w (:width right) (:offset right)) ":0[r];"
"[1:v][scr]overlay=" ow ":" oh ":shortest=1")
"-c:a" "copy" "-y" "")))
(defn clap-time
"Find time in seconds at which a clap is detected in the audio stream of fname.
The detection assumes that a clap sound exists within the first 12 seconds of a given clip."
(->> (sh "ffmpeg" "-i" fname
"-ss" "00:00:00" "-t" "00:00:12"
"-af" "silencedetect=noise=0.5:d=0.01"
"-f" "null" "-")
(drop-while #(not (st/includes? % "silence_end:")))
(re-find #"silence_end: .+")
(re-find #"\d+\.\d+")
(defn overlay-camera
"Composes the final footage by overlaying the camera footage onto the screen footage according to given properties.
The composition is handled using ffmpeg's 'filter_complex', and several actions occur:
- overlays camera footage with border onto screen footage
- given screen footage, camera footage, and border width and color create combined video
- calculate camera delay using clap times in footage. assumes screen recording is longer than cam
- calculate size of border for camera
- create border as a solid color frame
- scale camera down to given overlay-dims
- overlay camera onto border frame
- overlay bordered camera onto screen footage with calculated offsets"
[{:keys [border overlay-dims camf scrf] :as props}]
(let [{:keys [width color]} border
[cw ch] (map #(+ (* 2 width) %) overlay-dims)
[ow oh] (overlay-offsets (assoc props :fname scrf
:base-dims (get-resolution scrf)))
delay (- (clap-time scrf) (clap-time camf))]
(sh "ffmpeg"
"-i" scrf
"-i" camf
"-f" "lavfi"
"-i" (str "color=" color ":s=" cw "x" ch)
(str "[1:v]scale=" (apply str (interpose "x" overlay-dims)) "[scv];"
"[2:v][scv]overlay=" width ":" width ":shortest=1[cam];"
"[cam]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+" delay "/TB[dcam];"
"[0:v][dcam]overlay=" ow ":" oh ":shortest=1")
"-c:a" "copy" "-y" "")))
(defn fix-audio
"Fixes issue where mono audio track plays only to the Left channel."
(sh "ffmpeg" "-i" fname
"-i" fname "-af" "pan=mono|c0=FL"
"-c:v" "copy" "-map" "0:v:0" "-map" "1:a:0" ""))
#_(spit "props.edn"
{:fname ""
:left {:width 667 :offset 0} ;; offset from left side
:right {:width 750 :offset 0} ;; offset from right side
:gap 100
:pos {:h :l :v :c}} ;; :h can be [:l :c :r] :v can be [:t :c :b]
{:camf ""
:scrf "" ;; this is the hardcoded output filename from (crop-pad-screen fname)
:border {:width 7 :color "cyan"}
:overlay-dims [480 270] ;; dims of camera excluding border
:gap 70
:pos {:h :r :v :b}}})
(defn main
"Main runs when vidwiz is run as a script.
You can run this program with babashka:
- chmod +x vidwiz.clj
- ./vidwiz props.edn"
(let [fname (first *command-line-args*)
props (when (= (get-extension fname) ".edn")
(read-string (slurp fname)))]
(when props
(crop-pad-screen (:screen props))
(overlay-camera (:camera props))
(fix-audio ""))))
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Comment can be moved to ns docstring.

Comment blocks before function declarations can be moved to function docstrings (if they documents those functions).

Serioga, thank you for pointing this out. A simple change, but definitely a good one for better code style and clarity. I appreciate it.

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burinc commented Feb 20, 2021

I found that get-resolution method match something else that is not intended.
Since Babashka have support library for Json, in this case cheshire so I refactoring the code as follow:

(require '[cheshire.core :refer [parse-string]])
(defn get-resolution
  (when-let [{:keys [width height]}
             (-> (sh "ffprobe"
                     "-of" "json"
                 (parse-string true)
    [width height]))

And it seems to be working better

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I found that get-resolution method match something else that is not intended.
Since Babashka have support library for Json, in this case cheshire so I refactoring the code as follow:

(require '[cheshire.core :refer [parse-string]])
(defn get-resolution
  (when-let [{:keys [width height]}
             (-> (sh "ffprobe"
                     "-of" "json"
                 (parse-string true)
    [width height]))

And it seems to be working better

@burinc, thanks for your contribution! I've updated the gist with your implementation. Gave it a try in my terminal and it's a nice improvement for sure :).

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