Hi there, Thanks for your interest in working with Moxie! We have devised the following test to give you the opportunity to show us what you can do.
Take the following mobile design:
- Zeplin (use this to get precise measurements, please request access if necessary): https://zpl.io/Z1ALTub
- Invision: https://invis.io/AX6SXHN2F
Build a pixel-perfect representation of this page. You should:
- Create a new public repo in GitHub, Bitbucket or similar tool of your choice.
- Provide a solution which looks exactly like the example on the screen size provided.
- Make appropriate assumptions for other screen sizes including desktops.
- Build a single page solution.
- The splash screen should animate in and out.
- Concentrate on producing a great user experience - you should add extra animations or other effects as you see fit.
Note: You only need to implement the splash screen, login screen (not password reset or sign up) and the feed. The login only needs to check for a valid email and password > 3 characters.
You can find all the assets here: https://drive.google.com/a/getmoxied.net/folderview?id=0B7mwU1XUucqxWUM3QWU3em52dEU&usp=sharing
- Use AngularJS or other SPA framework.
- Load the content from a "fake" API, Angular service or similar
- JavaScript Unit tests
- TravisCI or CircleCI integration