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Created May 28, 2010 23:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Modules from the Python standard library.
import datetime, math, sys, os, logging, calendar, optparse, json, subprocess
# We use Pydap from
import pydap.exceptions, pydap.client, pydap.lib
# Output logger format
log = logging.getLogger('main')
console = logging.StreamHandler()
console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
progress_f = ''
progress = {
'gfs_percent': 0,
'gfs_timeremaining': '',
'gfs_complete': False,
'pred_running': False,
'pred_complete': False,
'progress_error': '',
def update_progress(**kwargs):
global progress_f
global progress
for arg in kwargs:
progress[arg] = kwargs[arg]
except IOError:
global log
log.error('Could not update progress file')
def main():
The main program routine.
# Set up our command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-t', '--timestamp', dest='timestamp',
help='search for dataset covering the POSIX timestamp TIME \t[default: now]',
metavar='TIME', type='int',
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output',
help='file to write GFS data to with \'%(VAR)\' replaced with the the value of VAR [default: %default]',
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose',
help='be verbose. The more times this is specified the more verbose.', default=False)
parser.add_option('-p', '--past', dest='past',
help='window of time to save data is at most HOURS hours in past [default: %default]',
type='int', default=3)
parser.add_option('-f', '--future', dest='future',
help='window of time to save data is at most HOURS hours in future [default: %default]',
type='int', default=9)
parser.add_option('--hd', dest='hd', action="store_true",
help='use higher definition GFS data (default: no)')
parser.add_option('--preds', dest='preds_path',
help='path that contains uuid folders for predictions [default: %default]',
default='.', metavar='PATH')
parser.add_option('--predictor', dest='predictor',
help='path to predictor binary [default: %default]',
default='./pred', metavar='PATH')
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Location specifiers",
"Use these options to specify a particular tile of data to download.")
group.add_option('--lat', dest='lat',
help='tile centre latitude in range (-90,90) degrees north [default: %default]',
type='float', default=52)
group.add_option('--lon', dest='lon',
help='tile centre longitude in degrees east [default: %default]',
type='float', default=0)
group.add_option('--latdelta', dest='latdelta',
help='tile radius in latitude in degrees [default: %default]',
type='float', default=5)
group.add_option('--londelta', dest='londelta',
help='tile radius in longitude in degrees [default: %default]',
type='float', default=5)
#group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Tile specifiers",
#"Use these options to specify how many tiles to download.")
#group.add_option('--lattiles', dest='lattiles',
#help='number of tiles along latitude to download [default: %default]',
#type='int', default=1)
#group.add_option('--lontiles', dest='lontiles',
#help='number of tiles along longitude to download [default: %default]',
#type='int', default=1)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Check we got a UUID in the arguments
if len(args) != 1:
log.error('Exactly one positional argument should be supplied (uuid).')
uuid = args[0]
uuid_path = options.preds_path + "/" + uuid + "/"
# Make the UUID directory if non existant
if not os.path.exists(uuid_path):
os.mkdir(uuid_path, 0770)
# Open the progress.json file for writing, creating it and closing again to flush
global progress_f
global progress
progress_f = open(uuid_path+"progress.json", "w")
except IOError:
log.error('Error opening progress.json file')
# Check the predictor binary exists
if not os.path.exists(options.predictor):
log.error('Predictor binary does not exist.')
# Check the latitude is in the right range.
if ( < -90) | ( > 90):
log.error('Latitude %s is outside of the range (-90,90).')
# Check the delta sizes are valid.
if (options.latdelta <= 0.5) | (options.londelta <= 0.5):
log.error('Latitiude and longitude deltas must be at least 0.5 degrees.')
if options.londelta > 180:
log.error('Longitude window sizes greater than 180 degrees are meaningless.')
# We need to wrap the longitude into the right range.
options.lon = canonicalise_longitude(options.lon)
# How verbose are we being?
if options.verbose > 0:
if options.verbose > 1:
if options.verbose > 2:
if options.verbose > 3:
log.debug('Using cache directory: %s' % pydap.lib.CACHE)
timestamp_to_find = options.timestamp
time_to_find = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp_to_find)'Looking for latest dataset which covers %s' % time_to_find.ctime())
dataset = dataset_for_time(time_to_find, options.hd)
print('Could not locate a dataset for the requested time.')
dataset_times = map(timestamp_to_datetime, dataset.time)
dataset_timestamps = map(datetime_to_posix, dataset_times)'Found appropriate dataset:')' Start time: %s (POSIX %s)' % \
(dataset_times[0].ctime(), dataset_timestamps[0]))' End time: %s (POSIX %s)' % \
(dataset_times[-1].ctime(), dataset_timestamps[-1]))' Latitude: %s -> %s' % (min(, max(' Longitude: %s -> %s' % (min(dataset.lon), max(dataset.lon)))
# for dlat in range(0,options.lattiles):
# for dlon in range(0,options.lontiles):
window = ( \ + options.latdelta*2, options.latdelta, \
options.lon + options.londelta*2, options.londelta)
write_file(options.output, dataset, \
window, \
time_to_find - datetime.timedelta(hours=options.past), \
time_to_find + datetime.timedelta(hours=options.future))
update_progress(gfs_percent=100, gfs_timeremaining='Done', gfs_complete=True, pred_running=True)[options.predictor, '-igfs', '-v', '-o'+uuid_path+'flight_path.csv', uuid_path+'scenario.ini'])
update_progress(pred_running=False, pred_complete=True)
def purge_cache():
Purge the pydap cache (if set).
if pydap.lib.CACHE is None:
return'Purging PyDAP cache.')
for file in os.listdir(pydap.lib.CACHE):
log.debug(' Deleting %s.' % file)
os.remove(pydap.lib.CACHE + file)
def write_file(output_format, data, window, mintime, maxtime):'Downloading data in window (lat, lon) = (%s +/- %s, %s +/- %s).' % window)
# Firstly, get the hgtprs variable to extract the times we're going to use.
hgtprs_global = data['hgtprs']
# Check the dimensions are what we expect.
assert(hgtprs_global.dimensions == ('time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon'))
# Work out what times we want to download
times = filter(lambda x: (x >= mintime) & (x <= maxtime),
map(timestamp_to_datetime, hgtprs_global.maps['time']))
num_times = len(times)
current_time = 0
start_time = min(times)
end_time = max(times)'Downloading from %s to %s.' % (start_time.ctime(), end_time.ctime()))
# Filter the longitudes we're actually going to use.
longitudes = filter(lambda x: longitude_distance(x[1], window[2]) <= window[3] ,
# Filter the latitudes we're actually going to use.
latitudes = filter(lambda x: math.fabs(x[1] - window[0]) <= window[1] ,
starttime =
# Write one file for each time index.
for timeidx, time in enumerate(hgtprs_global.maps['time']):
timestamp = datetime_to_posix(timestamp_to_datetime(time))
if (timestamp < datetime_to_posix(start_time)) | (timestamp > datetime_to_posix(end_time)):
current_time += 1'Downloading data for %s.' % (timestamp_to_datetime(time).ctime()))
downloaded_data = { }
current_var = 0
time_per_var = datetime.timedelta()
for var in ('hgtprs', 'ugrdprs', 'vgrdprs'):
current_var += 1
grid = data[var]'Processing variable \'%s\' with shape %s...' % (var, grid.shape))
# Check the dimensions are what we expect.
assert(grid.dimensions == ('time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon'))
# See if the longitude ragion wraps...
if (longitudes[0][0] == 0) & (longitudes[-1][0] == hgtprs_global.maps['lat'].shape[0]-1):
# Download the data. Unfortunately, OpeNDAP only supports remote access of
# contiguous regions. Since the longitude data wraps, we may require two
# windows. The 'right' way to fix this is to download a 'left' and 'right' window
# and munge them together. In terms of download speed, however, the overhead of
# downloading is so great that it is quicker to download all the longitude
# data in our slice and do the munging afterwards.
selection = grid[\
:, \
: ]
selection = grid[\
:, \
longitudes[0][0]:(longitudes[-1][0]+1) ]
# Cache the downloaded data for later
downloaded_data[var] = selection' Downloaded data has shape %s...', selection.shape)
if len(selection.shape) != 3:
log.error(' Expected 3-d data.')
now =
time_elapsed = now - starttime
num_vars = (current_time - 1)*3 + current_var
time_per_var = time_elapsed / num_vars
total_time = num_times * 3 * time_per_var
time_left = total_time - time_elapsed
10 +
(((current_time - 1) * 90) / num_times) +
((current_var * 90) / (3 * num_times))
), gfs_timeremaining=time_left.__str__())
# Check all the downloaded data has the same shape
target_shape = downloaded_data['hgtprs']
assert( all( map( lambda x: x == target_shape,
filter( lambda x: x.shape, downloaded_data.itervalues() ) ) ) )'Writing output...')
hgtprs = downloaded_data['hgtprs']
ugrdprs = downloaded_data['ugrdprs']
vgrdprs = downloaded_data['vgrdprs']
log.debug('Using longitudes: %s' % (map(lambda x: x[1], longitudes),))
output_filename = output_format
output_filename = output_filename.replace('%(time)', str(timestamp))
output_filename = output_filename.replace('%(lat)', str(window[0]))
output_filename = output_filename.replace('%(latdelta)', str(window[1]))
output_filename = output_filename.replace('%(lon)', str(window[2]))
output_filename = output_filename.replace('%(londelta)', str(window[3]))' Writing \'%s\'...' % output_filename)
output = open(output_filename, 'w')
# Write the header.
output.write('# window centre latitude, window latitude radius, window centre longitude, window longitude radius, POSIX timestamp\n')
header = window + (timestamp,)
output.write(','.join(map(str,header)) + '\n')
# Write the axis count.
output.write('# num_axes\n')
output.write('3\n') # FIXME: HARDCODED!
# Write each axis, a record showing the size and then one with the values.
output.write('# axis 1: pressures\n')
output.write(str(hgtprs.maps['lev'].shape[0]) + '\n')
output.write(','.join(map(str,hgtprs.maps['lev'][:])) + '\n')
output.write('# axis 2: latitudes\n')
output.write(str(len(latitudes)) + '\n')
output.write(','.join(map(lambda x: str(x[1]), latitudes)) + '\n')
output.write('# axis 3: longitudes\n')
output.write(str(len(longitudes)) + '\n')
output.write(','.join(map(lambda x: str(x[1]), longitudes)) + '\n')
# Write the number of lines of data.
output.write('# number of lines of data\n')
output.write('%s\n' % (hgtprs.shape[0] * len(latitudes) * len(longitudes)))
# Write the number of components in each data line.
output.write('# data line component count\n')
output.write('3\n') # FIXME: HARDCODED!
# Write the data itself.
output.write('# now the data in axis 3 major order\n')
output.write('# data is: '
'geopotential height [gpm], u-component wind [m/s], '
'v-component wind [m/s]\n')
for pressureidx, pressure in enumerate(hgtprs.maps['lev']):
for latidx, latitude in enumerate(hgtprs.maps['lat']):
for lonidx, longitude in enumerate(hgtprs.maps['lon']):
if longitude_distance(longitude, window[2]) > window[3]:
record = ( hgtprs.array[pressureidx,latidx,lonidx], \
ugrdprs.array[pressureidx,latidx,lonidx], \
vgrdprs.array[pressureidx,latidx,lonidx] )
output.write(','.join(map(str,record)) + '\n')
def canonicalise_longitude(lon):
The GFS model has all longitudes in the range 0.0 -> 359.5. Canonicalise
a longitude so that it fits in this range and return it.
lon = math.fmod(lon, 360)
if lon < 0.0:
lon += 360.0
assert((lon >= 0.0) & (lon < 360.0))
return lon
def longitude_distance(lona, lonb):
Return the shortest distance in degrees between longitudes lona and lonb.
distances = ( \
math.fabs(lona - lonb), # Straightforward distance
360 - math.fabs(lona - lonb), # Other way 'round.
return min(distances)
def datetime_to_posix(time):
Convert a datetime object to a POSIX timestamp.
return calendar.timegm(time.timetuple())
def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
Convert a GFS fractional timestamp into a datetime object representing
that time.
# The GFS timestmp is a floating point number fo days from the epoch,
# day '0' appears to be January 1st 1 AD.
(fractional_day, integer_day) = math.modf(timestamp)
# Unfortunately, the datetime module uses a different epoch.
ordinal_day = int(integer_day - 1)
# Convert the integer day to a time and add the fractional day.
return datetime.datetime.fromordinal(ordinal_day) + \
datetime.timedelta(days = fractional_day)
def possible_urls(time, hd):
Given a datetime object representing a date and time, return a list of
possible data URLs which could cover that period.
The list is ordered from latest URL (i.e. most likely to be correct) to
We assume that a particular data set covers a period of P days and
hence the earliest data set corresponds to time T - P and the latest
available corresponds to time T given target time T.
period = datetime.timedelta(days = 7.5)
earliest = time - period
latest = time
if hd:
url_format = ''
url_format = ''
# Start from the latest, work to the earliest
proposed = latest
possible_urls = []
while proposed >= earliest:
for offset in ( 18, 12, 6, 0 ):
possible_urls.append(url_format % \
(proposed.year, proposed.month,, offset))
proposed -= datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
return possible_urls
def dataset_for_time(time, hd):
Given a datetime object, attempt to find the latest dataset which covers that
time and return pydap dataset object for it.
url_list = possible_urls(time, hd)
for url in url_list:
log.debug('Trying dataset at %s.' % url)
dataset = pydap.client.open_url(url)
start_time = timestamp_to_datetime(dataset.time[0])
end_time = timestamp_to_datetime(dataset.time[-1])
if start_time <= time and end_time >= time:'Found good dataset at %s.' % url)
return dataset
except pydap.exceptions.ServerError:
# Skip server error.
raise RuntimeError('Could not find appropriate dataset.')
# If this is being run from the interpreter, run the main function.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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