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Last active February 26, 2024 14:18
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Simulated infection recovery
# Example code for simulation recovery of infection dynamics from deaths for COVID -----------------------------------------
# Load libraries:
# install.packages("EpiNow2", repos = "")
# Simulate data and delays -----------------------------------------
# Simulate infections with a sharp drop
data_infections <- c(seq(220,1000,20),rev(seq(200,1000,200)),rep(200,25))
n_inf <- length(data_infections) # number of days to consider
# Set infection-to-death function pmf (mean from McAloon + Verity)
mean_p <- 5 + 18
scale_p <- 3
shift_p <- 0
p_by_day <- function(x){dgamma(x,shape=mean_p/scale_p,scale=scale_p)}
# Convert distribution parameters:
mean1 <- convert_to_logmean(mean_p,sqrt(scale_p^2*mean_p/scale_p))
sd1 <- convert_to_logsd(mean_p,sqrt(scale_p^2*mean_p/scale_p))
# Plot infection-to-death delay function
max_days <- 70
# OBSERVATION: would be more elegant to define these via epiparameter::epi_dist() - have noted issue with current quickstart
# Define transition matrix to simulate outcome data
f_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=n_inf,ncol=n_inf)
n_delay_days <- 30 # maximum delay period to consider
# Convolution function
for(ii in 1:n_inf){
i_max <- min(ii+n_delay_days-1,n_inf)
j_max <- min(n_inf-ii+1,n_delay_days)
f_matrix[ii:i_max,ii] <- p_by_day(0:(j_max-1)) # fill matrix entries
data_outcomes <- f_matrix %*% data_infections
data_outcomes_noise <- rpois(length(data_outcomes),lambda = data_outcomes) # add some noise
# OBSERVATION: probably a quicker way to do above step using Epinow2::forecast_secondary()
# Make data.frame of cases for EpiNow2
case_data <- data.frame(date = as.Date("2020-03-01")+1:length(data_outcomes_noise), confirm = data_outcomes_noise)
# Version with EpiNow --------------------------------------------------------------
covid_serialint <-
disease = "covid",
epi_dist = "serial",
author = "Nishiura",
single_epidist = T
covid_serialint_discrete <-
covid_serialint_discrete_max <-
covid_serialint_discrete$prob_dist$q(p = 0.999)
serial_interval_covid <-
mean = covid_serialint$summary_stats$mean,
sd = covid_serialint$summary_stats$sd,
max = covid_serialint_discrete_max,
distribution = "lognormal"
# Delay infection to death
incubation_time_covid <- dist_spec(
mean = mean1,
sd = sd1,
max = 50,
distribution = "lognormal"
# OBSERVATION: would be handy to have a wrapper than can format these from
# epiparameter::epi_dist() stored distributions in a line or two of code
epinow_estimates <- epinow(
# cases
reported_cases = case_data,
# delays
generation_time = generation_time_opts(serial_interval_covid),
# delays
delays = delay_opts(incubation_time_covid),
# computation
stan = stan_opts(
cores = 4, samples = 1000, chains = 3,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99)
infection_estimates <- epinow_estimates$estimates$summarised |> filter(variable=="infections")
# Plot comparison
par(mfrow=c(1,1),mgp=c(2.5,0.7,0),mar = c(3.5,3.5,1,1))
lines(infection_estimates$date,infection_estimates$median,lwd=2,col="dark blue")
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sbfnk commented Jan 18, 2024

Yes, good idea. This is a nice case study.

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avallecam commented Feb 26, 2024

noting that in these lines of this reprex we propagated an misspecification of dist_spect() for "lognormal" distributions from epiverse-trace/howto#34 which the @dist-interface prevents to and is most clearly described in epiforecasts/EpiNow2#581

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