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Created September 5, 2018 15:26
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title: "Using Gensim in R"
author: "Adam Lauretig"
date: "3/17/2018"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# Introduction
[Gensim]( is a powerful Python library for text modeling. It incorporates a variety of models, many of which are not available in R. However, the recently developed [reticulate]( package provides a solution for the R user who wants to dip their toes in, without learning Python. It allows the user to call Python code which behaves like R code, and to seamlessly pass R and Python objects back and forth. In this document, I will show how to install `gensim`, call it from `reticulate`, estimate word embeddings, and perform vector arithmetic.
# Setup
I use Python 3.6, as distributed with [Anaconda](, and once Anaconda is installed, I install Gensim at the command line, using pip. To do this, I type
```{bash, eval = FALSE}
pip install gensim
at the terminal.
I assume you are using recent versions of R, and RStudio. To install thereticulate package from CRAN:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
We'll also use the quanteda and stringr packages, to install them:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
install.packages(c("quanteda", "stringr"))
# Loading Gensim
Importing Gensim with reticulate is very similar to loading an R package more generally:
```{r, eval = TRUE}
gensim <- import("gensim") # import the gensim library
Word2Vec <- gensim$models$Word2Vec # Extract the Word2Vec model
multiprocessing <- import("multiprocessing") # For parallel processing
In gensim, we extract the `Word2Vec` object from the `models` object, using the `$` operator. Thanks to reticulate, object-oriented nature of python is changed into something R users can recognize, and we can treat `Word2vec` as we would any other R function
# Prepping the data
As an example model, we'll use the text of inauguration speeches from the `quanteda` package. we just want to extract the text we'll use to a character vector, which has 58 elements. We'll lowercase all of the tokens involved, remove punctuation, and then collapse the resulting `tokens` object back into a set of character vectors.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
txt_to_use <- quanteda::data_corpus_inaugural$documents$texts
txt_to_use <- tolower(txt_to_use)
txt_to_use <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt_to_use, "[[:punct:]]", "")
txt_to_use <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt_to_use, "\n", " ")
txt_to_use <- (str_split(txt_to_use, " "))
# Creating Word2vec
In python, unlike `R`, we create the model we want to run *before* we run it, supplying it with the various parameters it will take. We'll create an object called `basemodel`, which uses the skip-gram w/negative sampling implementation of *word2vec*. We'll use a window size of 5, considering words within five words of each side of a target word. We'll do 3 sweeps through the data, but in practice, you should do more. We'll tell gensim to use skipgram "`sg`" with negative sampling "`ns`", rather than the hierarchical softmax. Finally, we'll use a dimensionality of 25, for the embedding dimensions, but again, in practice, you should probably use more.
```{r, eval= TRUE}
basemodel = Word2Vec(
workers = 1, # using 1 core
window = 5L,
iter = 3L, # iter = sweeps of SGD through the data; more is better
sg = 1L,
hs = 0L, negative = 1L, # we only have scoring for the hierarchical softmax setup
size = 25L
# Training the model
To train the model, we'll first build a vocabulary from the inaugural speeches we cleaned earlier. We'll then call the `train` object from `basemodel`, the way you would call an object in `R`.
```{r, eval=TRUE}
basemodel$build_vocab(sentences = txt_to_use)
sentences = txt_to_use,
epochs = basemodel$iter,
total_examples = basemodel$corpus_count)
# Examining the Results
We can examine the output from the model, this will produce a vector 25 long. This, however, is not particularly informative.
```{r, eval = TRUE}
But that isn't particularly informative. Instead, thanks to `reticulate`'s ability to communicate between `R` and python, we can bring the vectors into R, and then calculate cosine distance (a measure of word similarity).
```{r, eval = TRUE}
embeds <- basemodel$wv$syn0
rownames(embeds) <- basemodel$wv$index2word
# function for cosine distance
closest_vector <- function(vec1, mat1){
vec1 <- Matrix(vec1, nrow = 1, ncol = length(vec1))
mat1 <- Matrix(mat1)
mat_magnitudes <- rowSums(mat1^2)
vec_magnitudes <- rowSums(vec1^2)
sim <- (t(tcrossprod(vec1, mat1)/
(sqrt(tcrossprod(vec_magnitudes, mat_magnitudes)))))
sim2 <- matrix(sim, dimnames = list(rownames(sim)))
w <- sim2[order(-sim2),,drop = FALSE]
closest_vector(embeds["united", ], embeds)
closest_vector(embeds["united", ] + embeds["states", ], embeds)
This result isn't bad, for such a small corpus, with relatively few vectors. We can even do more complicated vector arithmetic:
closest_vector(embeds["american", ] - embeds["war", ], embeds)
# Conclusion
Overall, this is an introduction to `reticulate`, and to estimating word embeddings with gensim. I showed how to prep text, estimate embeddings, and perform vector arithmetic on these embeddings.
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thieled commented Mar 16, 2020

This just saved my day! Thanks!

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proverbs2323 commented Aug 31, 2020

Thanks for the good work, but when I run this chunk:
basemodel$build_vocab(sentences = txt_to_use)

basemodel$train( sentences = txt_to_use, epochs = basemodel$iter, total_examples = basemodel$corpus_count)

I got this error message:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : RuntimeError: you must first build vocabulary before training the model

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emoro commented May 28, 2021

Thanks for this script. @proverbs2323, I solve that problem removing the "sentences =" in the build_vocab and train functions. Apparently the new version of gensim has changed the names of the parameters

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