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Created October 13, 2011 20:43
Node.js CoffeeScript, Jade, and Stylus compiler (watches filesystem for changes)
var OUTPUT_JS_FILENAME = '../media/partner/js/widgets.js'
var OUTPUT_CSS_FILENAME = '../media/partner/css/widgets.css'
var OUTPUT_HTML_PATH = 'templates'
var fs = require('fs')
var jade = require('jade')
var stylus = require('stylus');
var cs = require('coffee-script');
var watch = require('watch');
var isJade = function(fileName) { return fileName.match(/.jade$/); }
var isCoffeeScript = function(fileName) { return fileName.match(/.coffee$/) }
var isStylus = function(fileName) { return fileName.match(/.styl$/)}
var isCompilable = function(fileName) {
return isJade(fileName) || isCoffeeScript(fileName) || isStylus(fileName);
var allJadeFileNames = [];
var allCoffeeScriptFileNames = [];
var allStylusFileNames = [];
watch.createMonitor('.', { filter: isCompilable }, function (monitor) {
// build list of all the files we care about
for (fileName in monitor.files) {
if (isJade(fileName)) {
} else if (isCoffeeScript(fileName)) {
} else if (isStylus(fileName)) {
// build all on startup
for (var i = 0; i < allJadeFileNames.length; i++) {
monitor.on("created", function (f, stat) {
console.log('created file', f);
if (isCompilable(f)) compile(f);
monitor.on("changed", function (f, curr, prev) {
console.log('changed file', f);
if (isCompilable(f)) compile(f);
monitor.on("removed", function (f, stat) {
console.log('removed file', f);
if (isCompilable(f)) compile(f);
compile = function(fileName) {
if (isCoffeeScript(fileName)) {
} else if (isJade(fileName)) {
} else if (isStylus(fileName)) {
outputLines = function(e, allCoffeeScript) {
var line = e.message.match(/line ([0-9]+):/);
if (line) {
line = parseInt(line[1]);
var lines = allCoffeeScript.split('\n');
for (var i = Math.max(line - 10, 0); i < Math.min(line + 10, lines.length); i++) {
console.log(i + ": " + lines[i]);
compileCoffeeScript = function() {
console.log("Compiling CoffeeScript");
var allCoffeeScript = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allCoffeeScriptFileNames.length; i++) {
var fileName = allCoffeeScriptFileNames[i]
console.log("Reading: " + fileName);
allCoffeeScript += '\n' + fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8');
try {
var js = cs.compile(allCoffeeScript);
fs.writeFile(OUTPUT_JS_FILENAME, js);
console.log(" -> " + OUTPUT_JS_FILENAME);
} catch (e) {
outputLines(e, allCoffeeScript);
// bug: no need to compile child templates...?
compileJade = function(fileName) {
console.log("Compiling Jade: " + fileName);
var outputFileName = OUTPUT_HTML_PATH + '/' + fileName.replace('.jade', '.html');
j = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8');
var html = jade.compile(j, {
filename: fileName
fs.writeFile(outputFileName, html);
console.log(" -> " + outputFileName);
compileStylus = function() {
console.log("Compiling Stylus");
var allStylus = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allStylusFileNames.length; i++) {
allStylus += fs.readFileSync(allStylusFileNames[i], 'utf8');
stylus.render(allStylus, {},
function(err, css) {
fs.writeFile(OUTPUT_CSS_FILENAME, css);
console.log(" -> " + OUTPUT_CSS_FILENAME);
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