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Last active May 9, 2022 15:25
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NERC Vocabulary Server Concept Collection to OWL Named Individuals
import urllib.request
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, OWL, RDF, RDFS, URIRef, SKOS
import rdflib.namespace
def nvs_fetcher(nvs_collection: str, others: list) -> Graph:
"""Fetches a NERC Vocabulary server collection and returns it
as a set of OWL Named Individuals with optional additional OWL or
RDF classes added to the graph.
nvs_collection (str): The NERC Vocabulary Server collection to be
parsed, e.g. "L22"
others (list): A list of strings for rdf:types to be applied to the
parsed Concepts, other than skos:Concept, e.g.
An rdflib.Graph object of OWL Named Individuals parsed from the
passed graph of SKOS Concepts
nvs_url_pattern = "{}/" + \
with urllib.request.urlopen(
nvs_url_pattern.format(nvs_collection)) as resp:
nvs_ttl_str: str ="utf-8")
g: Graph = nvs_to_rdflib_graph(nvs_ttl_str)
return skos_graph_to_owl_graph(g, others)
def eu_voc_fetcher(eu_collection_name: str, others: list) -> Graph:
"""Fetches an INSPIRE vocabulary as RDF/XML and returns it
as a set of OWL Named Individuals with optional additional OWL or
RDF classes added to the graph.
eu_collection_name (str): The INSPIRE Vocabulary to be parsed, e.g.
others (list): A list of strings for rdf:types to be applied to the
parsed Concepts, other than skos:Concept, e.g.
An rdflib.Graph object of OWL Named Individuals parsed from the
passed graph of SKOS Concepts
nvs_url_pattern = "{0}/{0}.en.rdf"
with urllib.request.urlopen(
nvs_url_pattern.format(eu_collection_name)) as resp:
nvs_ttl_str: str ="utf-8")
g: Graph = eu_voc_to_rdflib_graph(nvs_ttl_str)
return skos_graph_to_owl_graph(g, others)
def nvs_to_rdflib_graph(ttl: str) -> Graph:
"""Convert a TTL string from the NERC Vocabulary to a rdflib.Graph
ttl(str): An RDF graph represented in the Terse Triple Language (TTL)
stored as a Python string
An rdflib.Graph object containing the graph data passed to the function
g: Graph = Graph().parse(data=ttl)
return g
def eu_voc_to_rdflib_graph(rdfxml: str) -> Graph:
"""Convert an RDF/XML string from the EU INSPIRE vocabularies to a
rdfxml(str): An RDF graph represented as RDF/XML stored as a Python
An rdflib.Graph object containing the graph data passed to the function
g: Graph = Graph().parse(data=rdfxml, format="xml")
return g
def skos_graph_to_owl_graph(g: Graph, others: list = []) -> Graph:
"""Converts a graph of mutliple SKOS Concept triples to graph of OWL
Named Individuals
g (rdflib.Graph): The RDF graph of SKOS Concepts to be converted
An rdflib.Graph object of OWL Named Individuals parsed from the
passed graph of SKOS Concepts
dummy_uri: str = "https://foo/bar#"
return_graph: Graph = Graph()
concept: URIRef
pred: URIRef
object_literal: Literal
object_ref: URIRef
for s, p, o in g.triples((None, RDF.type, SKOS.Concept)):
for ss, pp, oo in g.triples((s, SKOS.prefLabel, None)):
concept = URIRef("{}{}".format(
dummy_uri, oo.title().replace(
" ", "").replace(",", "").replace("-", "").replace(
"(", "").replace(")", "")))
pred = URIRef(RDFS.label)
object_literal = Literal("{}".format(oo.title().replace(
" ", "").replace(",", "").replace("-", "").replace(
"(", "").replace(")", "")))
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_literal))
pred = URIRef(SKOS.prefLabel)
object_literal = Literal(oo)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_literal))
pred = URIRef(RDF.type)
object_ref = URIRef(OWL.NamedIndividual)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_ref))
object_ref = URIRef(SKOS.Concept)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_ref))
# print(":{} a owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept{};".format(
# oo.title().replace(" ", "").replace(",", "").replace(
# "-", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", ""), other_types))
for ss, pp, oo in g.triples((s, SKOS.definition, None)):
pred = URIRef(RDFS.comment)
object_literal = Literal(oo)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_literal))
for other_type in others:
pred = URIRef(SKOS.inScheme)
object_ref = URIRef("{}{}".format(
dummy_uri, other_type))
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_ref))
pred = URIRef(RDF.type)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, object_ref))
pred = URIRef(OWL.sameAs)
return_graph.add((concept, pred, concept))
return_graph.bind("owl", rdflib.namespace.OWL)
return_graph.bind("skos", rdflib.namespace.SKOS)
return_graph.bind("", dummy_uri)
return return_graph
print(nvs_fetcher('C45', ['MSFDDescriptor']).serialize(format="turtle"))
# eu_voc_fetcher('HILUCSValue', ['HILUCSClassificationCode'])
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