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Created February 9, 2018 03:22
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Sentiment Analysis
import nltk
from instanalyze.logic import tweet_gen
# import tweet_gen
import pickle
import os
from instanalyze.logic.classifier import NaiveBayesClassifier
def create_data_path(relative_path):
path = os.getcwd()
if 'instanalyze' not in os.getcwd():
path = os.path.join(path, 'instanalyze', 'logic')
for t in relative_path:
path = os.path.join(path, t)
return path
# from classifier import NaiveBayesClassifier
def clean(s):
return s.translate(s.maketrans({ord(x) : '' for x in '.,/><!123456789'})).lower()
def canonicalize(l):
canon_news = []
for (words, sentiment) in l:
filtered_words = [clean(x) for x in words.split() if len(x) >= 3]
canon_news.append((filtered_words, sentiment))
return canon_news
#canonicalize text
def all_words(l):
a_words = []
for (words, sentiment) in l:
return a_words
# This function exists for future proofing.
# We might want to have a more advanced approach in the future.
def string_to_array(s):
return s.split()
def extract_word_distribution(l):
wordlist = nltk.FreqDist(l)
return wordlist.keys()
def extract_overall_features(doc):
doc_words = set(doc)
word_features = extract_word_distribution(doc)
features = {}
for word in word_features:
features['contains(%s)' % word] = (word in doc_words)
return features
def classify_string(s, classifier, debug=False):
result = classifier.classify(extract_overall_features(string_to_array(s)))
# print(result.samples()['positive'], result.samples()['positive'])
return result
def classify_array(s, classifier):
result = classifier.classify(extract_overall_features(s))
return result
def test_accuracy(tests, classifier):
successes = 0
for test in tests:
result = classify_string(test[0], classifier)
if result != test[1]:
print('FAILED TEST: ', repr(test[0]), 'was supposed to be', test[1], 'but was', result)
successes += 1
print(str(successes/len(tests)), 'success rate')
def create_classifier():
pos_news, neg_news = tweet_gen.generate_tweet_lists()
print('Canonicalize all news.')
all_news = canonicalize(pos_news + neg_news)
print('Applying features to all data.')
training_data = nltk.classify.apply_features(extract_overall_features, all_news)
# now, we train the classifier.
print('Starting training')
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_data)
cache_path = create_data_path(['data', 'classifier_cache.pickle'])
with open(cache_path, 'wb') as classifier_cache:
pickle.dump(classifier, classifier_cache)
return classifier
def load_classifier():
cache_path = create_data_path(['data', 'classifier_cache.picke'])
if os.path.exists(cache_path):
with open(cache_path, 'rb') as cache_file:
print('load cached.')
classifier = pickle.load(cache_file)
except Exception:
classifier = create_classifier()
classifier = create_classifier()
return classifier
def run_tests(classifier):
test_samples = [('feel happy this morning', 'positive'), ('larry friend', 'positive'), ('not like that man', 'negative'), \
('house not great', 'negative'), ('your song annoying', 'negative')]
test_accuracy(test_samples, classifier)
def generate_scores_from_sentiment_data():
data_path = create_data_path(['data'])
read_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'sentiments.csv')
with open(read_path, encoding='utf8') as sentiment_file:
scores = [line.split(',') for line in sentiment_file]
scores = {word: float(score.strip()) for word, score in scores}
write_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'scores.pickle')
with open(write_path, 'wb') as s_out:
pickle.dump(scores, s_out)
def load_scores():
sent_path = create_data_path(['data', 'scores.pickle'])
with open(sent_path, 'rb') as s_in:
scores = pickle.load(s_in)
return scores
def parse_hashtag(htag, words_dict, removed=False):
#remove hashtag.
if '_' in htag or '+' in htag:
return htag.split('_')
if len(htag) == 0:
return []
if not removed:
htag = htag[1:]
l_bound, r_bound = 0, len(htag)
tokens, cur = [], htag
while (l_bound != r_bound):
if cur in words_dict and len(cur) > 1:
if r_bound == len(htag):
return tokens
htag = htag[r_bound:len(htag)]
l_bound = 0
r_bound = len(htag)
r_bound -= 1
cur = htag[l_bound:r_bound]
if len(htag) != 0:
tokens.extend(parse_hashtag(htag[1:], words_dict, True))
return tokens
def clean_and_tokenize(sentence, scores):
sentence = clean(sentence)
words = sentence.split()
clean_sentence = []
for word in words:
if word[0] == '#':
parsed_tokens = parse_hashtag(word, scores)
if len(parsed_tokens) > 0:
return clean_sentence
def test_parse_hashtag():
scores = load_scores()
assert parse_hashtag('#coldwinterisbad', scores) == ['cold', 'winter', 'is', 'bad']
def analyze_sentence(sentence, scores):
clean_sentence = clean_and_tokenize(sentence, scores)
sent_scores = []
for word in clean_sentence:
if word in scores and scores[word] is not None:
if len(sent_scores) == 0:
return 0
return sum(sent_scores)/len(sent_scores)
def analyze_sentence_ml(sentence, classifier, scores):
clean_sentence = clean_and_tokenize(sentence, scores)
result = classify_array(clean_sentence, classifier)
# pos_news = [('I love this car', 'positive'), ('This view is amazing', 'positive'), \
# ('I feel great this morning', 'positive'), ('He is my best friend', 'positive')]
# neg_news = [('I do not like this car', 'negative'), ('This view is horrible', 'negative'), \
# ('I feel tired this morning.', 'negative'), ('He is an enemy of mine', 'negative')]
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