Since we introduced the pull provider, we carried both yggdrasil and our own worker (foreman_ygg_worker) in our client repos. Starting with EL 9.5, yggdrasil is going to be included in EL repos. The version there (0.4.1) is much newer than the one we ship, and therefore "wins" when yggdrasil is being installed. This causes a problem, because our own worker is not compatible with this newer version of yggdrasil and because of architectural changes in yggdrasil itself.
This issue may pop up on other currently supported distributions, but for the purpose of this document we’ll limit ourselves on distributions from the EL family.
In the 0.2.z line, yggdrasil talked with workers over grpc.
In the 0.4.z line, yggdrasil talks with workers over dbus.