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Created November 1, 2023 17:27
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import cats.effect.{Deferred, IO, Ref}
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// max times rendezvous using cats-effect's synchronous queue
def rendezvousUsingCatsEffect(): Unit =
val max = 10_000_000
timed("cats-effect") {
def p1(i: Int, q: Queue[IO, Int]): IO[Unit] =
if i > max then IO.unit
else q.offer(i).flatMap(_ => p1(i + 1, q))
def p2(i: Int, q: Queue[IO, Int], acc: Long): IO[Unit] =
if i > max then IO(assert(acc == sumUpTo(max)))
else q.take.flatMap(j => p2(i + 1, q, acc + j))
val _ec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(_ec)
val app = for {
q <- Queue.synchronous[IO, Int]
f1 <- p1(0, q).startOn(ec)
f2 <- p2(0, q, 0).startOn(ec)
_ <- f1.joinWithUnit
_ <- f2.joinWithUnit
_ <- IO(_ec.shutdown())
} yield ()
def rendezvousUsingCatsEffect2(): Unit =
val max = 10_000_000
timed("cats-effect2") {
def p1(i: Int, q: Ref[IO, Option[(Long, Deferred[IO, Long])]]): IO[Unit] =
if i > max then IO.unit
Deferred[IO, Long].flatMap { done =>
def race(): IO[Unit] = q
.tryModify {
case None => (Some((i, done)), None) // we won the race, we'll be waiting
case Some((_, other)) => (Some((-1, other)), Some(other))
.flatMap {
case None =>
// retry
case Some(None) =>
// we have to wait for the other fiber
done.get >> p1(i + 1, q)
case Some(Some(other)) =>
// the other fiber is waiting for data - resetting the ref, resuming the partner
q.set(None) >> other.complete(i) >> p1(i + 1, q)
def p2(i: Int, q: Ref[IO, Option[(Long, Deferred[IO, Long])]], acc: Long): IO[Unit] =
if i > max then IO(assert(acc == sumUpTo(max)))
Deferred[IO, Long].flatMap { done =>
def race(): IO[Unit] = q
.tryModify {
case None => (Some((-1, done)), None) // we won the race, we'll be waiting
case Some((j, other)) => (Some((j, other)), Some((j, other)))
.flatMap {
case None =>
// retry
case Some(None) =>
// we have to wait for the other fiber
done.get.flatMap(j => p2(i + 1, q, acc + j))
case Some(Some((j, other))) =>
// the other fiber is waiting - resetting the ref, resuming the partner
q.set(None) >> other.complete(-1) >> p2(i + 1, q, acc + j)
val _ec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(_ec)
val app = for {
q <- Ref[IO].of[Option[(Long, Deferred[IO, Long])]](None)
f1 <- p1(0, q).start //.startOn(ec)
f2 <- p2(0, q, 0).start //.startOn(ec)
_ <- f1.joinWithUnit
_ <- f2.joinWithUnit
_ <- IO(_ec.shutdown())
} yield ()
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