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Last active September 6, 2024 20:40
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//> using dep com.softwaremill.sttp.openai::ox:0.2.2
//> using dep com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir::tapir-netty-server-sync:1.11.2
//> using dep com.softwaremill.sttp.client4::ox:4.0.0-M17
//> using dep com.softwaremill.ox::core:0.3.6
//> using dep ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.5.7
// Remember to set the OPENAI_KEY env variable!
package examples
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import ox.*
import ox.channels.Channel
import ox.either.orThrow
import sttp.client4.{DefaultSyncBackend, SyncBackend}
import sttp.openai.OpenAI
import{ChatBody, ChatCompletionModel}
import{Content, Message}
import sttp.openai.streaming.ox.*
import sttp.tapir.*
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.*
import sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync.{NettySyncServer, OxStreams}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ChatProxy")
// model for sending & receiving chat messages to/from the end-user
case class ChatMessage(message: String)
given Codec[String, ChatMessage, TextPlain] =
// the description of the endpoint, that will be exposed: GET /chat -> WS(consuming & producing ChatMessage-s)
val chatProxyEndpoint = infallibleEndpoint.get
.out(webSocketBody[ChatMessage, TextPlain, ChatMessage, TextPlain](OxStreams))
def chat(sttpBackend: SyncBackend, openAI: OpenAI)(using IO): OxStreams.Pipe[ChatMessage, ChatMessage] =
ox ?=> // running within a concurrency scope
incoming => {
val outgoing = Channel.bufferedDefault[ChatMessage]
// incoming - messages sent by the end-user over the web socket
// outgoing - messages to be sent to the end user over the web socket
// main processing loop: receives messages from the WS and queries OpenAI with the chat's history
def loop(history: Vector[Message]): Unit = {
val nextMessage = incoming.receive()
val nextHistory = history :+ Message.UserMessage(content = Content.TextContent(nextMessage.message))
// querying OpenAI with the entire chat history, as each request is stateless
val chatRequestBody: ChatBody = ChatBody(
model = ChatCompletionModel.GPT4oMini,
messages = nextHistory
// requesting a streaming completion, so that we can get back to the user as the answer is being generated
val source = openAI
.orThrow // there might be an OpenAI HTTP-error
// a side-channel onto which we'll collect all the responses, to store it in history for subsequent messages
val gatherResponse = Channel.bufferedDefault[ChatMessage]
// collecting the response in the background
val gatherResponseFork = fork(
// extracting the response increments, sending to the outgoing channel, as well as to the side-channel
.collectAsView { case Some(msg) => ChatMessage(msg) }
.pipeTo(outgoing, propagateDone = false)
val gatheredResponse = gatherResponseFork.join()
val nextNextHistory = nextHistory :+ Message.AssistantMessage(content = gatheredResponse)
// running the processing in the background, so that we can return the outgoing channel to the library ...
// ... so that the messages can be sent over the WS
object ChatProxy extends OxApp:
override def run(args: Vector[String])(using Ox, IO): ExitCode =
val openAI = new OpenAI(System.getenv("OPENAI_KEY"))
val sttpBackend = useCloseableInScope(DefaultSyncBackend())
val chatProxyServerEndpoint = chatProxyEndpoint.handleSuccess(_ => chat(sttpBackend, openAI))
val binding = NettySyncServer().addEndpoint(chatProxyServerEndpoint).start()"Server started at ${binding.hostName}:${binding.port}")
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