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Created October 4, 2011 11:54
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LPTHW Exercise 49
class LexiconC(object):
def __init__(self):
# TODO: Can we make these as constants so they can be accessed from out side the class with just the class name ?
self.C_DIRECTION_WORDS = "direction"
self.C_VERBS = "verb"
self.C_STOP_WORDS = "stop"
self.C_NOUNS = "noun"
self.C_NUMBER = "number"
self.C_ERROR = "error"
self.direction_words = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'down', 'up', 'left', 'right', 'back']
self.verbs = ['go', 'stop', 'kill', 'eat']
self.stop_words = ['the', 'in', 'of', 'from', 'at', 'it']
self.nouns = ['door', 'bear', 'princess', 'cabinet']
def get_tuple(self, word):
ret_val = None
lword = word.lower()
if(lword in self.direction_words):
ret_val = (self.C_DIRECTION_WORDS, word)
elif(lword in self.verbs):
ret_val = (self.C_VERBS, word)
elif(lword in self.stop_words):
ret_val = (self.C_STOP_WORDS, word)
elif(lword in self.nouns):
ret_val = (self.C_NOUNS, word)
elif(self.convert_number(lword) != None):
ret_val = (self.C_NUMBER, self.convert_number(lword))
ret_val = (self.C_ERROR, word)
return ret_val
def convert_number(self, text):
return int(text)
except ValueError:
return None
def scan(line):
the_lexicon = LexiconC()
ret_val = []
words = line.split()
for word in words:
the_tuple = the_lexicon.get_tuple(word)
return ret_val
from import *
from ex49 import lexicon
def setup():
print "SETUP!"
def teardown():
print "TEAR DOWN!"
def test_directions():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("north"), [('direction', 'north')])
result = lexicon.scan("north south east")
assert_equal(result, [('direction', 'north'),
('direction', 'south'),
('direction', 'east')])
def test_verbs():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("go"), [('verb', 'go')])
result = lexicon.scan("go kill eat")
assert_equal(result, [('verb', 'go'),
('verb', 'kill'),
('verb', 'eat')])
def test_stops():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("the"), [('stop', 'the')])
result = lexicon.scan("the in of")
assert_equals(result, [('stop', 'the'),
('stop', 'in'),
('stop', 'of')])
def test_nouns():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("bear"), [('noun', 'bear')])
result = lexicon.scan("bear princess")
assert_equal(result, [('noun', 'bear'),
('noun', 'princess')])
def test_numbers():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("1234"), [('number', 1234)])
result = lexicon.scan("3 91234")
assert_equal(result, [('number', 3),
('number', 91234)])
def test_errors():
assert_equal(lexicon.scan("ASDFADFA"), [('error', "ASDFADFA")])
result = lexicon.scan("bear IAS princess")
assert_equal(result, [('noun', 'bear'),
('error', 'IAS'),
('noun', 'princess')])
class ParseError(Exception):
class Sentence(object):
def __init__(self, subject, verb, object):
""" Each argument 'subject', 'verb', 'object' is a tuple containing the code and word"""
self.subject = subject
self.verb = verb
self.object = object
def peek(word_list):
word_list is a list of tuples in the form (code, word).
This method returns the code of the first tuple in the list
word = word_list[0]
return word[0]
return None
def match(word_list, expecting):
Returns the first word if it matches the expecting type, else returns None.
In any case, the first word will be removed from the word_list
ret_val = None
word_tuple = word_list.pop(0)
if(word_tuple[0] == expecting):
ret_val = word_tuple
return ret_val
def skip(word_list, word_type):
while(peek(word_list) == word_type):
match(word_list, word_type)
def parse_subject(word_list, subject):
skip(word_list, 'stop')
verb = match(word_list, 'verb')
if(verb == None):
raise ParseError("Expecting a verb")
skip(word_list, 'stop')
object = match(word_list, 'noun')
if(object == None):
raise ParseError("Expecting a noun")
return Sentence(subject, verb, object)
def parse_sentence(word_list):
""" Accepts a list of tuples, where each tuple contains (code, word)"""
skip(word_list, 'stop')
start = peek(word_list)
if(start == 'noun'):
subject = match(word_list, 'noun')
return parse_subject(word_list, subject)
elif(start == 'verb'):
subject = ('noun', 'player')
return parse_subject(word_list, subject)
raise ParseError("Must start with either a noun or a verb ... not '%s'" % start)
from import *
from ex49 import sentence
from ex49 import lexicon
def setup():
print "SETUP!"
def teardown():
print "TEAR DOWN!"
def test_peek():
#test a line with one word
line1 = "princess"
word_tuples1 = lexicon.scan(line1)
word_type1 = sentence.peek(word_tuples1)
assert_equal("noun", word_type1)
#test a line with multiple words
line2 = "princess ate the bear"
word_tuples2 = lexicon.scan(line2)
assert_equal("noun", sentence.peek(word_tuples2))
def test_match():
#test a line with one word
line1 = "princess"
word_tuples1 = lexicon.scan(line1)
assert_equal("princess", sentence.match(word_tuples1, 'noun')[1])
#Here we should get a None for any type since there is nothing in the word_list
assert_equal(None, sentence.match(word_tuples1, 'noun'))
#test a line with multiple words
line2 = "princess eat the bear"
word_tuples2 = lexicon.scan(line2)
assert_equals(4, len(word_tuples2))
assert_equal("princess", sentence.match(word_tuples2, "noun")[1])
assert_equal("eat", sentence.match(word_tuples2, "verb")[1])
assert_equal("the", sentence.match(word_tuples2, 'stop')[1])
assert_equal("bear", sentence.match(word_tuples2, 'noun')[1])
def test_skip():
#test a line with one word
line1 = "princess"
word_tuples1 = lexicon.scan(line1)
sentence.skip(word_tuples1, "verb")
assert_equal(1, len(word_tuples1))
sentence.skip(word_tuples1, 'noun')
assert_equal(0, len(word_tuples1))
#test a line with multiple words
line2 = "princess eat the bear"
word_tuples2 = lexicon.scan(line2)
sentence.skip(word_tuples2, "verb")
assert_equal(4, len(word_tuples2))
sentence.skip(word_tuples2, "noun")
assert_equal(3, len(word_tuples2))
sentence.skip(word_tuples2, "verb")
assert_equal(2, len(word_tuples2))
def test_parse_sentence():
line = "princess eat the bear"
word_list = lexicon.scan(line)
parsed_sentence = sentence.parse_sentence(word_list)
assert_equal("princess", parsed_sentence.subject[1])
assert_equal("eat", parsed_sentence.verb[1])
assert_equal("bear", parsed_sentence.object[1])
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