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Created January 20, 2017 22:15
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Quick organizer script for keeping my camera uploads off of my low storage volume devices
$DaysBack = 14
$ArchiveYears = 2
[switch]$Timestamp = $true
[switch]$WhatIf = $false
$FolderToOrganize = 'D:\Chris\Dropbox\Camera Uploads'
$ArchiveLocation = 'D:\Chris\Dropbox\Archive\Photos'
}ElseIf($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq "NCC1701"){
$FolderToOrganize = 'C:\Users\Christopher\Dropbox\Camera Uploads'
$ArchiveLocation = 'C:\Users\Christopher\Dropbox\Archive\Photos'
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Write-Error "we're boned. go look at the script."
#That's code for you're running it on the wrong system and too lazy to deal with multiple paths.
If( $FolderToOrganize ) {
$TopLevel = Get-Item ( $FolderToOrganize )
$TopLevel = Get-Item ( Get-Location )
$DateCutoff = (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysBack * -1)
$ArchiveCutoff = (Get-Date 1/1).AddYears(($ArchiveYears-1) * -1)
If( $Timestamp ){
$FilesetToArchive = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $FolderToOrganize | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$ArchiveCutoff" -and $_.Extension -in $Types.Split(",") -and $_.Directory -notmatch "Shares"}
$FilesetToOrganize = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderToOrganize | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$DateCutoff" -and $_.Extension -in $Types.Split(",") -and $_.Directory -notmatch "Shares"}
}Else {
$FilesetToOrganize | ForEach-Object {
$FileYear = ($_.LastWriteTime).Year
$FileMonth = ($_.LastWriteTime).Month
If( !(Test-Path (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth)) ){
New-Item -Name (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth) -ItemType Directory
$DestDir = (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth)
Write-Output "Moving $_ to $DestDir"
Move-Item $_ $DestDir
$FilesetToArchive | ForEach-Object {
$FileYear = ($_.LastWriteTime).Year
$FileMonth = ($_.LastWriteTime).Month
If( !(Test-Path (Join-Path $ArchiveLocation (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth))) ){
New-Item -Path $ArchiveLocation -Name (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth) -ItemType Directory
$DestDir = (Join-Path $ArchiveLocation (Join-Path $FileYear $FileMonth))
Write-Output "Archiving $_ to $DestDir"
Write-Output ("From path: "+$_.Directory)
Move-Item $_.FullName $DestDir
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