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Last active August 12, 2023 09:20
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bash job queue with GNU Parallel
#Tail a temp file, pipe it into GNU Parallel.
#Generally FIFOish but don't count on it, no guarantees about execution order between setup and tear-down
#I threw this together for a network based load -
# for disk-bound (esp magnetic hard drives) loads, lower -j to 1 or switch to --semaphore
# most load you can probably just omit -j and run with defaults. (One concurrent job per CPU core)
#functionize for easier reuse
#autogenerate temp files somewhere safe
#Use parallel's USR1 signal output to provide completion countdown
true > jobqueue
tail -n+0 -f jobqueue | parallel -j 10 -E $QUEUE_END
#Each line in the jobqueue should be a complete command
for JOB in `cat jobs.txt`; do
echo $JOB > jobqueue
#End the queue, wait for completion, terminate tail
echo $QUEUE_END >> jobqueue
echo "Waiting for queued jobs to complete"
while [ `ps | grep 'perl /usr/local/bin/parallel' | egrep -v 'grep' | wc -l | tr -d " "` -gt 0 ]; do
sleep 1
touch killtail
mv killtail jobqueue
rm jobqueue
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