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Last active August 30, 2016 01:59
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Free Applicative Example
module Main where
import Lib
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Applicative.Free
data TwitterHandle = TwitterHandle { unTwitterHandle :: String }
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data SocialNetworkAction next =
GetFollowers TwitterHandle ([TwitterHandle] -> next)
instance Functor SocialNetworkAction where
fmap f (GetFollowers handle cont) = GetFollowers handle (f . cont)
getFollowers :: TwitterHandle -> DslA [TwitterHandle]
getFollowers handle = liftAp $ GetFollowers handle id
type DslA a = Ap SocialNetworkAction a
testProgram :: DslA ([TwitterHandle], [TwitterHandle])
testProgram =
(,) <$> getFollowers (TwitterHandle "dan") <*> getFollowers (TwitterHandle "dan")
getFollowersIO :: TwitterHandle -> IO [TwitterHandle]
getFollowersIO handle = do
print ("About to get:" <> show handle)
threadDelay 1000000
return [handle]
runSocialNetworkRequests :: Ap SocialNetworkAction a -> IO a
runSocialNetworkRequests (Pure a) = pure a
runSocialNetworkRequests (Ap (GetFollowers handle continuation) y) = do
let action1 = getFollowersIO handle
let action2 = runSocialNetworkRequests y
(a1result, a2result) <- concurrently action1 action2
return $ a2result (continuation a1result)
deduplicatingInterpreter :: Ap SocialNetworkAction a -> IO a
deduplicatingInterpreter p = go mempty p
go :: Map.Map TwitterHandle (Async [TwitterHandle]) -> Ap SocialNetworkAction a -> IO a
go _ (Pure a) = pure a
go xs (Ap (GetFollowers handle continuation) y) = do
asyncGetFollowers <- maybe (async $ getFollowersIO handle) return (Map.lookup handle xs)
let xs' = Map.insert handle asyncGetFollowers xs
(action1, action2) <- concurrently (wait asyncGetFollowers) (go xs' y)
return $ action2 (continuation action1)
getListOfRequests :: Ap SocialNetworkAction a -> [TwitterHandle]
getListOfRequests (Pure a) = []
getListOfRequests (Ap (GetFollowers handle _) n) = handle:(getListOfRequests n)
main :: IO ()
main = do
deduplicatingInterpreter testProgram >>= printResult
printResult r = print ("result: " <> show r)
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