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Last active December 2, 2015 14:15
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  • Save addadi/025ec7b93fe18ddc5003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save addadi/025ec7b93fe18ddc5003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
utility script to migrate remember the milk tasks to asana
//migrate rtm tasks to asana
//1. export tasks using and use var rtmTasks to store the json
//2. clean null elements in rtmTasks
//3. use this in browser enviroment with artoo.js (can be used also in nodejs with require instead of injectScript)
//4. get personal access token in profile settings in asana. use it in const part
//5. check workspace id and use it for WS (find it on the console by running client.workspaces.findAll().then(function(x){console.log(x)})). use it in const part
//6. run it "manually" : use init() after underscore, asana and async are loaded. use runMig() after all tags have been added
//7. check error on the console by evaluating errors var
var addTag, addTask;
artoo.injectScript('', function() {
console.log('underscore load finished, we have %s', _.VERSION);
//async is better than bluebird
artoo.injectScript('', function() {
addTask = async.queue(addAsTask, 1);
addTask.drain = function() {
artoo.log.debug('all tasks have been added');
addTag = async.queue(addAsTag, 1);
addTag.drain = function() {
artoo.log.debug('all tags have been added');
artoo.log('async load finished');
artoo.injectScript('', function() {
console.log('asana load finished, we have %s', Asana.VERSION);
var rtmTags = [];
var errors = [];
//first collect all rtm tasks' tags {
rtmTags = rtmTags.concat(t.tags.tag)
rtmTags = _.unique(rtmTags)
function filterTags(e) {
if (e) return e;
rtmTags = rtmTags.filter(filterTags);
//const declarations
var TOKEN = 'XXXXXXXX'; //Personal Access Token
var WS = 0000000; //the workspace to import
var asanaTagsDb = {};
var client = Asana.Client.create().useAccessToken(TOKEN);
//first, for all rtm tags, either get existing tag id in asana or create them (and get the new tags id) store it in asanaTagsDb
function init() {
workspace: WS
function(res) { {
var name =;
var id =;
asanaTagsDb[name] = id;
.then(function(e) {
rtmTags.forEach(function(t) {
function(err) {
if (err) artoo.log.error(err);
artoo.log('addTag callback called');
.catch(function(error) {
//run actual import to asana tasks
function runMig() {
rtmTasks.forEach(function(t) {
addTask.push(asanize(parseRtmTaskOb(t)), function(err) {
if (err) artoo.log.error(err);
artoo.log('addTask callback called');
//check if tag exists in asana or create it. add tag id to asanaTagsDb
var addAsTag = function(tagName, cb) {
if (!(asanaTagsDb[tagName])) {
workspace: WS,
name: tagName
.then(function(t) {
console.log('added tag %s', t);
asanaTagsDb[] =;
.catch(function(error) {
} else {
function addAsTask(obj, cb) {
client.tasks.create(obj).then(function(t) {
}).catch(function(error) {
errmsg: error,
task: obj
//parse rtm task from json to be simple obj
function parseRtmTaskOb(task) {
function parseNotes(notes) {
var parsedNote = '';
function simpleStingNote(obj) {
return obj.title + obj.$t;
if (_.isArray(notes)) {
return undefined;
} else if (_.isObject(notes)) {
if (_.isArray(notes.note)) {
notes.note.forEach(function(n) {
parsedNote += simpleStingNote(n);
} else {
parsedNote += simpleStingNote(notes.note);
return parsedNote;
function parseTags(tags) {
if (_.isArray(tags)) {
return tags;
} else if (_.isString(tags.tag)) {
return [asanaTagsDb[tags.tag]];
} else {
var tagsID = {
return asanaTagsDb[t];
return tagsID;
return {
completed: task.task.completed ? true : false,
due_at: task.task.due ? task.task.due : undefined,
notes: parseNotes(task.notes),
tags: parseTags(task.tags)
//make the simple task obj asana compatible with assignee and ws
function asanize(task) {
task.assignee = 'me';
task.workspace = WS;
return task;
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