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List of sbt plugins sorted by GitHub stars. This was generated using, then augmented by hand.

See for the list with sbt 1.x migration status.

more descriptions will be added soon :)

plugin star description
playframework/playframework 9597 The High Velocity Web Framework
scala-js/scala-js 3053 Scala to JavaScript compiler
sbt/sbt-assembly 1092 Create a fat JAR of your project with all of its dependencies
mpeltonen/sbt-idea 1085 sbt plugin for creating IntelliJ IDEA project files
coursier/coursier 966 Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
sbt/sbt-native-packager 869 lets you build application packages in native formats
jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graph 783 sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
wartremover/wartremover 705 WartRemover is a flexible Scala code linting tool
typesafehub/sbteclipse 658 Plugin for sbt to create Eclipse project definitions
scala-android/sbt-android 653 An easy-to-use sbt plugin for working with all Android projects
spray/sbt-revolver 550 An SBT plugin for dangerously fast development turnaround in Scala
jberkel/android-plugin 496 An sbt plugin for Android development in Scala
marcuslonnberg/sbt-docker 468 Create Docker images directly from sbt
tpolecat/tut 398 doc/tutorial generator for scala
sbt/sbt-release 393 provides a customizable release process that you can add to your project.
ktoso/sbt-jmh 382 sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
rtimush/sbt-updates 347 SBT plugin that can check maven and ivy repositories for dependency updates
earldouglas/xsbt-web-plugin 346 Build J2EE Web applications in Scala
scoverage/sbt-scoverage 336 sbt plugin for scoverage
sbt/sbt-web 311 Library for building sbt plugins for the web
sbt/sbt-buildinfo 307 sbt-buildinfo generates Scala source from your build definitions.
xerial/sbt-pack 292 A sbt plugin for creating distributable Scala packages.
dcaoyuan/nbscala 242 NetBeans Plugin for Scala
eed3si9n/scalaxb 241 scalaxb is an XML data binding tool for Scala.
sbt/sbt-onejar 224 Packages your project using One-JAR™
sbt/sbt-git 223 A git plugin for SBT
sbt/sbt-scalariform 214 sbt plugin adding support for source code formatting using Scalariform
ensime/ensime-sbt 204 Generates .ensime config files for SBT projects
sbt/sbt-fresh 173 sbt-plugin to create an opinionated fresh sbt project
sbt/sbt-start-script 149 SBT Plugin to create a "start" script to run the program
softprops/np 148 new sbt project generation made simple(r)
vmunier/sbt-web-scalajs 145 SBT plugin to use Scala.js along with any sbt-web server.
xerial/sbt-sonatype 145 A sbt plugin for publishing Scala/Java projects to the Maven central.
orrsella/sbt-sublime 145 An sbt plugin for generating Sublime Text projects with library dependencies sources
Duhemm/sbt-errors-summary 141 sbt plugin to show a summary of compilation messages.
sbt/sbt-bintray 134 fresh packages delivered from your sbt console
typesafehub/migration-manager 131 Scala Binary Compatibility validation tool
sbt/sbt-protobuf 130 sbt plugin for compiling protobuf files
sbt/sbt-site 129 Site generation for SBT
tkawachi/sbt-doctest 119 Doctest for scala
roboscala/sbt-robovm 108 An sbt plugin for iOS development in Scala
scalastyle/scalastyle-sbt-plugin 107 support for Scalastyle.
47deg/sbt-microsites 106 n sbt plugin to create awesome microsites for your project
sbt/sbt-header 102 sbt-header is an sbt plugin for creating file headers, e.g. copyright headers
sbt/sbt-groll 97 sbt plugin to roll the Git history
ceedubs/sbt-ctags 90 SBT ctags is an SBT plugin that will generate ctags for your Scala project.
gilt/sbt-aws-lambda 88 sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Lambda
heroku/sbt-heroku 85 An sbt plugin for deploying Heroku Scala applications
dwijnand/sbt-dynver 83 An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git
sbt/sbt-unidoc 83 sbt plugin to create a unified API document across projects
Tapad/sbt-docker-compose 79 Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt
scoverage/sbt-coveralls 77 Sbt plugin for uploading Scala code coverage to coveralls
gatling/gatling-sbt 77 Gatling SBT plugin
sbt/sbt-boilerplate 76 sbt plugin for generating scala.Tuple/Function related boilerplate code
frugalmechanic/fm-sbt-s3-resolver 76 SBT Plugin that adds support for resolving and publishing using Amazon S3
dispalt/sbt-reactjs 75 React SBT Plugin using npm
sbt/sbt-scalabuff 74 SBT plugin which generate case classes and support for serialization from Google Protocol Buffer definitions using ScalaBuff
sbt/sbt-pgp 74 PGP plugin for sbt
sbt/jacoco4sbt 74 JaCoCo Code Coverage plug-in for sbt.
sbt/sbt-doge 73 sbt plugin to aggregate tasks across subprojects and their crossScalaVersions
ohnosequences/sbt-s3-resolver 72 AWS S3 based resolver
shivawu/sbt-maven-plugin 70 A sbt plugin which reads project definitions from pom.xml
gilt/sbt-newrelic 69 New Relic monitoring integration for SBT with sbt-native-packager
coursera/naptime 67 Making REST APIs so easy, you can build them in your sleep!
adamw/xsbt-proguard-plugin 67 A plugin for XSBT to facilitate the use of ProGuard to create single jars for XSBT-managed projects
lucidsoftware/neo-sbt-scalafmt 67 Scalafmt SBT plugin
coursera/courier 66 Data interchange for the modern web + mobile stack.
jrudolph/sbt-optimizer 66 An sbt plugin to analyze sbt task execution
sbt/sbt-appengine 66 deploy your webapp to appengine using sbt.
sbt/sbt-ghpages 66 git, site and ghpages support for sbt projects.
pfn/kotlin-plugin 65 Build kotlin code using sbt
sbt/sbt-avro 63 sbt plugin for generating the Java sources for Apache Avro schemas and protocols.
sbt/sbt-aspectj 60 AspectJ sbt plugin
scala-native/sbt-crossproject 59 Cross-platform compilation support for sbt.
sksamuel/sbt-scapegoat 58 sbt plugin for scapegoat scala static analysis plugin
gilt/sbt-dependency-graph-sugar 58 Add some nice features for viewing the dependency graph assuming a mac and graphviz installed
arktekk/sbt-aether-deploy 57 Deploy SBT artifacts using Eclipse Aether
saurfang/sbt-spark-submit 55 sbt plugin for spark-submit
sbt/sbt-proguard 55 Proguard sbt plugin
jenkinsci/sbt-plugin 55 Jenkins sbt plugin
softprops/coffeescripted-sbt 55 Sbt plugin compiles CoffeeScript sources into JavaScript.
dscleaver/sbt-quickfix 54 SBT plugin that routes compiler and test errors into a quickfix file
softprops/ls 54 [discontinued] a scala card catalog
skipoleschris/xsbt-cucumber-plugin 54 Plugin to integrate Cucumber and Cuke4Duke into XSBT
softprops/sbt-growl-plugin 54 sbt plugin for growl
sbt/sbt-dirty-money 53 sbt-dirty-money is an sbt plugin for cleaning Ivy2's cache.
albuch/sbt-dependency-check 53 SBT Plugin for OWASP DependencyCheck. Monitor your dependencies and report if there are any publicly known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs).
JetBrains/sbt-structure 53 SBT plugin to collect information about project structure
ArpNetworking/sbt-typescript 52 A plugin for SBT that uses sbt-web to compile typescript resources.
bytedeco/sbt-javacv 51 Start using OpenCV in your JVM project in just 1 line, no separate compiling, installing OpenCV, or fussing with your system required
orrsella/sbt-stats 51 An sbt plugin for source code statistics
Verizon/sbt-rig 50 Common build and release steps for SBT projects
unicredit/sbt-swagger-codegen 50 sbt Plugin for Scala code generation for Swagger specs
sbt/sbt-pom-reader 50 Translates xml -> awesome. Maven-ish support for sbt.
xuwei-k/sbt-class-diagram 50 sbt plugin to create a class diagram
jodersky/sbt-jni 48 Sbt plugin to ease working with JNI
ktoso/sbt-jol 48 Trivial way to inspect OpenJDK's Java Object Layout of your Scala classes.
tototoshi/sbt-musical 47 Play music during compile and test sbt tasks (mac only)
sbt/sbt-man 46 sbt-man is an sbt plugin for looking up scaladoc.
ThoughtWorksInc/sbt-api-mappings 45 A Sbt plugin that fills apiMappings for common Scala libraries.
softprops/less-sbt 45 type less css in your sbt projects
steppenwells/sbt-sh 44 a very simple sbt-0.10 plugin to run shell commands from within the sbt shell
alexarchambault/sbt-ammonite 44 SBT plugin to ease the launch of Ammonite
CSUG/sbt-one-log 44 sbt-one-log make Log dependency easy
jrudolph/sbt-cross-building 43 Enable cross-building of sbt plugins
philcali/sbt-lwjgl-plugin 42 simple plugin for sbt specifically for LWJGL projects.
sbt/website 42 The source for
earldouglas/sbt-frege 39 An sbt plugin for building Frege code
Lifty/lifty 39 Lifty is no longer mainted. I recommend using giter8 instead
localytics/sbt-dynamodb 38 DynamoDB Local SBT plugin
remeniuk/sbt-netbeans-plugin 38 The plugin allows to work with SBT projects in Netbeans
Gekkio/sbt-jrebel-plugin 38 JRebel plugin for Simple Build Tool
timperrett/sbt-cloudbees-plugin 36 Integration for SBT that lets you deploy apps to the CloudBees RUN@Cloud PaaS
scalacenter/sbt-release-early 36 Opinionated sbt plugin to release your artifacts early, both on merge and via git tag.
tototoshi/sbt-slick-codegen 35 slick-codegen compile hook for sbt
sbt/sbt-multi-jvm 35 Multi-JVM testing in sbt
Verizon/sbt-blockade 33 Warn or ban particular dependencies in a build to prevent usage.
tkawachi/sbt-lock 33 Gemfile.lock for sbt
sbt/findbugs4sbt 33 An SBT plug-in that adds a "findbugs" task to SBT for static code analysis of Java code via the great "FindBugs" tool.
sbt/sbt-s3 33 sbt-s3 is a simple sbt plugin to manipulate objects on Amazon S3
kavedaa/sbt-javafx 32 JavaFX plugin for SBT
sbt/cpd4sbt 32 Integrating PMD's Copy/Paste Detector into SBT as a plug-in.
kalmanb/sbt-ctags 32 Easily sources for you libraries enabling ctags for your sbt projects - for use with vim, emacs, sublime
sbt/sbt-osgi 30 sbt plugin for creating OSGi bundles
backchatio/xsbt-scalate-generate 30
laughedelic/literator 30
dwijnand/sbt-travisci 29
thricejamie/sbt-meow 29
alexarchambault/sbt-notebook 29
thesamet/sbt-protoc 29
romanowski/hoarder 28
Geal/sbt-clojure 27
n8han/posterous-sbt 26
sbt/sbt-unique-version 24
etsy/sbt-checkstyle-plugin 24
tototoshi/sbt-build-files-watcher 23
localytics/sbt-s3 23
dwijnand/sbt-project-graph 22
sbt/sbt-slash 22
sqs/sbt-elasticbeanstalk 22
ITV/chuckwagon 22
lucidsoftware/sbt-cross 21
eltimn/sbt-closure 21
reaktor/sbt-deploy 21
oedura/scavro 20
ihji/sbt-antlr4 20
choucrifahed/sbt-elm 20
cdietze/sbt-gwt-plugin 20
yoshiyoshifujii/sbt-aws-serverless 20
bigtoast/sbt-liquibase 19
xitrum-framework/xitrum-package 19
wookietreiber/sbt-scaliterate 18
guardian/sbt-teamcity-test-reporting-plugin 18
scalatra/scalatra-sbt 17
ijuma/junit_xml_listener 17
dcaoyuan/nbsbt 17
bigtoast/sbt-thrift 16
fedragon/sbt-todolist 16
timetotrade/sbt-build-info-conf 15
sbt/sbt-xjc 15
etsy/sbt-compile-quick-plugin 15
sksamuel/sbt-versions 14
otrebski/sbt-flaky 14
eamelink/sbt-purescript 13
gilt/sbt-codedeploy 13
stefri/sbt-antlr 12
ThoughtWorksInc/sbt-scala-js-map 12
ritschwumm/xsbt-webstart 12
lloydmeta/sbt-opencv 11
johanandren/sbt-taglist 11
todesking/sbt-conflict-classes 11
tptodorov/sbt-cloudformation 11
localytics/sbt-sqs 11
hochgi/sbt-cassandra 11
hmrc/sbt-bobby 10
joescii/sbt-js-test 10
stefri/sbt-emberjs 10
josephearl/sbt-findbugs 10
qifun/sbt-haxe 9
softprops/jot 9
whysoserious/sbt-process-runner 9
sbt/sbt-appbundle 9
trafficland/tl-os-sbt-plugins 8
mvallerie/sbt-scage-plugin 8
mr-ken/sbt-dbdeploy 8
reikje/npt 8
scalatra/sbt-requirejs 8
sqality/sbt-scct 8
sbt/sbt-testng 8
ngs-doo/dsl-compiler-client 7
sbt/sbt-fmpp 7
jozic/sbt-about-plugins 7
saturday06/sbt-phantomjs 7
henrikerola/sbt-vaadin-plugin 7
indrajitr/sbt-yui-compressor 7
TailrecIO/sbt-aws-severus 7
rossabaker/sbt-signer-plugin 7
xuwei-k/sbtend 6
ritschwumm/xsbt-reflect 6
sbt/sbt-twt 6
davidharcombe/sbt-multi-publish 6
sbt/ant4sbt 6
jpsacha/sbt-imagej 6
philcali/cronish-sbt 5
timt/sbt-npm 5
casualjim/sbt-jelastic-deploy 5
PavelPenkov/sbt-notifications 5
programmiersportgruppe/sbt-tabular-test-reporter 5
hvesalai/sbt-mode 5
sbt/sbt-scalashim 4
Atry/sbt-cppp 4
Atry/pttrt 4
timetotrade/sbt-backup 4
xerial/sbt-jcheckstyle 4
cuzfrog/sbt-tmpfs 3
sbt/sbt-javaversioncheck 3
jpsacha/sbt-install4j 3
josephearl/sbt-verify 3
daniel-shuy/scripted-scalatest-sbt-plugin 3
seroperson/sbt-crashlytics 2
henders/sbt-pillar-plugin 2
aalleexxeeii/sbt-hocon 2
kjellwinblad/sbt-scalaedit-plugin 2
btd/sbt-less-plugin 2
earldouglas/sbt-heroku-deploy 2
idio/sbt-assembly-log4j2 2
lloydmeta/sbt-javacpp 1
nyavro/spi-plugin 1
reikje/sbt-planout4j 1
daniel-shuy/liquibase-slick-codegen-sbt-plugin 1
xuwei-k/sbtsvn 1
timt/sbt-dist-zip 1
shanbin/sbt-clover 1
cb372/sbt-write-output-to-file 0
henrikengstrom/sbt-ortho 0
sgrouples/sbt-solr-plugin 0
sbt/sbt-properties 0
randomcoder/sbt-gherkin-converter 0
maichler/sbt-jupiter-interface 0
ssanj/sbt-scuggest 0
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