Browserify is a tool that allows us to write node-style modules that compile for use in the browser. Like node, we write our modules in separate files, exporting external methods and properties using the module.exports and exports variables
generator-browserify is a generator with a Browserify setup, offering choices between Gulp or Grunt and Foundation or Bootstrap.
generator-angular-with-browserify is a generator for bundling Angular.js with Browserify
generator-angular-browserify-express creates the boilerplate for a Angular/Browserify/Express app out of the box.
generator-react-gulp-browserify a generator for Facebook's React framework. It includes Gulp, Browserify, livereload and the Sass version of Bootstrap.
generator-dyno scaffolds a build using JS or CoffeeScript, Browserify, Gulp and Jade.
generator-snow is a generator for setting up new front-end projects that use Jade, Stylus, and CoffeeScript, using GulpJS, Browserify, and Jasmine. Also has support for localised content, SVG icons or icon fonts, and responsive images using picturefill.