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Created April 20, 2011 21:21
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fabric config for deploying a Django project
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid
Author: Adelein Rodriguez, [email protected]
Note: This is an adaptation from a fabric script presented here:
Summary: This script:
1) Installs all linux and python packages FROM SCRATCH needed to get your Django project
up and running in an Ubuntu remote server.
2) Or deploys your local changes to the existing code version in the remote server
Description: This script requires that you have fabric installed => (
Fabric is a tool that lets you run local and remote commands in the same script, thus used for
deployment scripts
This script ( is placed in the root folder where your code resides and once run it will do the following:
1) Connect to a remote server and prepare an Ubuntu system from scratch for the deployment
of you Django project. It installs package dependencies you have listed.
==> Python packages are installed thourhg PIP installer ( in a virtualenv
PIP knows what files to install through a requirements.txt file you write in the same directory
code root directory (where is)
==> Non Python packages are installed as usual in the Ubuntu server
2) Zip your git project and copy it to the remote server, create a "version" folder and unpack code there.
Remote folder must not exist already or it will fail.
3) Install your application in the Apache Server
How to run: 1) First time setting up the remote Ubuntu server
==> fab environment setup > deploy.log
==> If it is the first time deploying this project
then need to create a DB, Django does not create the DB
mysql -u root -p
create database webme
==> Dump Current Data as JSON
python dumpdata > data/data.webme.json
==> Copy all the private (outside of Git) files you have
added in the .gitignore but that are still needed to deploy (eg. settings files with passwords)
==> Load JSON Dumped data into the remote DB
For details on how I use it for my project see
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
from fabric.contrib import files, console
from fabric import utils
from fabric.operations import *
# globals
env.project_name = 'webme'
def environment():
# Local user, same as remote for ease
env.user = 'webme'
# Remote Info
env.hosts = ['']
env.deploy_user = 'webme'
# Make the version any number you want
env.version = 1
env.release = env.version
# This is where the virtual env is created
env.code_root = '/web/webme'
# This path is for activating the virtual env
env.activate = 'source %s/bin/activate' %(env.code_root)
# This path is used to change permissions
env.code_root_parent = "/web"
# whole_path looks like /web/webme/releases/1/webme
# This is where the code really is
env.whole_path = "%s/releases/%s/%s"%(env.code_root, env.release, env.project_name)
# whole_path_symlinked looks like /web/webme/releases/current/webme
env.whole_path_symlinked = "%s/releases/current/%s"%(env.code_root, env.project_name)
def virtualenv(command):
with cd(env.code_root):
sudo(env.activate + '&&' + command, user=env.deploy_user)
# tasks
def test():
"Run the test suite and bail out if it fails"
local("cd $(code_root); python test", fail="abort")
def reset_permissions():
sudo('chown %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.code_root_parent))
sudo('chgrp %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.code_root_parent))
def setup():
Setup a fresh virtualenv as well as a few useful directories, then run
a full deployment
require('hosts', provided_by=[environment])
sudo('apt-get install -y python-setuptools')
sudo('easy_install pip')
sudo('pip install virtualenv')
sudo('apt-get -y install git-core')
sudo('aptitude install -y apache2')
sudo('aptitude install -y libapache2-mod-wsgi')
sudo('apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev')
# we want rid of the defult apache config
sudo('cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/; a2dissite default;')
sudo('mkdir -p %s; cd %s; virtualenv .;source ./bin/activate'% (env.code_root, env.code_root))
sudo('cd %s; mkdir releases; mkdir shared; mkdir packages;'% (env.code_root))
def deploy():
Deploy the latest version of the site to the servers, install any
required third party modules, install the virtual host and
then restart the webserver
require('hosts', provided_by=[environment])
require('whole_path', provided_by=[environment])
# whole_path looks like /web/webme/releases/1/webme
def redeploy():
Redeploy reusing the current version,
this basically overwrites the code, but does not install
any packages. Used for small changes.
It also reuploads data from database and static files in
media directory
upload_tar_from_git('cd %sreleases/current/%s'% (env.code_root, env.project_name))
def upload_tar_from_git(path):
require('release', provided_by=[environment])
require('whole_path', provided_by=[environment])
"Create an archive from the current Git master branch and upload it"
local('git archive --format=tar master | gzip > %s.tar.gz'% (env.release))
sudo('mkdir -p %s'% (path))
put('%s.tar.gz'%(env.release), '/tmp', mode=0755)
sudo('mv /tmp/%s.tar.gz %s/packages/'%(env.release, env.code_root))
# After this last step the project is at:
# /web/webme/releases/20202020202/webme
sudo('cd %s && tar zxf ../../../packages/%s.tar.gz'% (env.whole_path, env.release))
sudo('chown %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
sudo('chgrp %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
local('rm %s.tar.gz'% (env.release))
def install_requirements():
"Install the required packages from the requirements file using pip"
require('release', provided_by=[deploy, setup])
require('whole_path', provided_by=[deploy, setup])
sudo('cd %s; pip install -E . -r %s/requirements.txt'% (env.code_root,
def install_nonpython_requirements():
"Install the required packages that cannot be installed with pip"
require('whole_path', provided_by=[deploy, setup])
sudo('cd %s/media_rsc/css; git clone git://'% (env.whole_path))
sudo('chown %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
sudo('chgrp %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
sudo('mkdir %s/lib; cd %s/lib; curl -O' % (env.whole_path, env.whole_path))
sudo('cd %s/lib; tar xvzf apache-solr-3.1.0.tgz' % (env.whole_path))
sudo('chown %s -R %s/lib'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
sudo('chgrp %s -R %s/lib'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
def configure_project_specific_stuff():
"Configure misc stuff for this project"
require('whole_path', provided_by=[deploy, setup])
put('/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django_socialregistration-0.4.2-py2.6.egg/socialregistration/', '%s/src/socialregistration/socialregistration'% (env.code_root))
sudo('chown %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
sudo('chgrp %s -R %s'% (env.user,env.whole_path))
def symlink_current_release():
"Symlink our current release"
require('release', provided_by=[environment])
#sudo('cd %s; rm releases/previous; mv releases/current releases/previous;' % (env.code_root))
sudo('cd %s;ln -s %s releases/current; chown %s -R releases/current; chgrp %s -R releases/current'% (env.code_root, env.release, env.user, env.user))
def install_site():
"Add the virtualhost file to apache"
sudo('cd %s/releases/current/%s; cp %s /etc/apache2/sites-available/'% (env.code_root,
sudo('cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/; a2ensite %s'% (env.project_name))
def restart_webserver():
"Restart the web server"
sudo('/etc/init.d/apache2 restart')
def migrate():
"Update the database"
sudo('cd %s/releases/current/; ../../bin/python syncdb --noinput'% (env.code_root))
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Hello, adeleinr. Do you have a more updated version from this script?

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