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Created May 4, 2018 13:33
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# I have run the following and got the attachement data for block01 of webdollar blockchain
# >> blockchainDB.allDocs({include_docs: true, limit: 200, attachments: true}, function(err, doc) {row = doc.rows[199]})
# var data looks like this:
# WViNmRkNDY2N2E5NmJkYzI3YmFmOTIyM2JlYzcyYzM0NjhkZmI2YmE1MmM0NjBlNzY0MjNhNA=='
# I would like now to deserialize it using the minimum non cluttered code and obtain the timestamp, for example
# Got the code from:
function deserializeNumber(buffer){
if(buffer.length === 1) return buffer[0]; else
if (buffer.length === 2) return buffer[1] | (buffer[0] << 8); else
if (buffer.length === 3) return buffer[2] | (buffer[1] << 8) | (buffer[0] << 16); else
if (buffer.length === 4) return buffer[3] | (buffer[2] << 8) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[0] << 24); else
if (buffer.length === 6) return buffer[5] | (buffer[4] << 8) | (buffer[3] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 32) | (buffer[0] << 40);
function substr(buffer, index, count){
if (count === undefined)
count = buffer.length;
let length = Math.min(index + count, buffer.length);
if (length-index <= 0)
throw {message: "length-index <= 0...", buffer: buffer.toString("hex"), index:index, length:length, count: count};
let buf = new Buffer(length-index);
buffer.copy(buf, 0, index, length);
return buf;
# And now I would like to know if I am doing stuff right to get the previousHash
offset = 0
buffer = Buffer.from(data, 'base64')
# According to
# hashPrev should be at an offset of BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH + NONCE + 2
var hashPrev = substr(buffer, offset + 32 + 4 +3, 32).toString("hex")
# Is this correct? I think I am missing something, as I obtain
# >> hashPrev
# >> '6365663166393739623064663433343735633935363865333330303030653732'
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            this.hash = BufferExtended.substr(buffer, offset, consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH);
            offset += consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH;

            this.nonce = Serialization.deserializeNumber( BufferExtended.substr(buffer, offset, consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_NONCE) );
            offset += consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_NONCE;

            this.version = Serialization.deserializeNumber( BufferExtended.substr(buffer, offset, 2) );
            offset += 2;

            this.hashPrev = BufferExtended.substr(buffer, offset, consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH);
            offset += consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH;

hashPrev = sum of all offsets so consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH + consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_NONCE + 2

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hashprev = BufferExtended.substr(buffer , consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_POW_LENGTH + consts.BLOCKCHAIN.BLOCKS_NONCE + 2, 32);

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you can extract hash first, nonce, version, hashPrev afterwards

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