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Jitendra Adhikari adhocore

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adhocore / bigcache.go
Last active April 30, 2024 09:51
BigCache Server using fasthttp
package main
import (
adhocore /
Created May 15, 2019 04:20
Get current git branch without using `git` command
cat .git/HEAD | cut -c17-9999

Useful if you are in docker and dont want to install git in your container :)

adhocore / maqebot.php
Last active October 8, 2017 11:22
Maqe Bot (PHP7). Sample usage: `php maqebot.php W5RW5RW2RW1R`
* The Bot.
class Bot
const DIR_NORTH = 0;
const DIR_EAST = 1;
const DIR_SOUTH = 2;
adhocore / qwerty.php
Created December 13, 2015 05:06
map English alphabets to their position in qwerty layout keyboard, and reverse
* QWERTY encode decode
* qwerty_encode maps English alphabets to their
* position in qwerty layout keyboard like so:
* a -> q, b -> w, c -> e ... etc
* qwerty_decode does the reverse
adhocore / upload.php
Last active February 4, 2017 10:29
AJAX file upload with progress bar, as minimal as it can be.
* AJAX file upload with progress bar, as minimal as it can be.
* If it doesnot work try latest version of web browser.
// big file upload
ini_set('memory_limit', '1G');
adhocore / sub.php
Last active September 9, 2015 10:44
A simple php cli tool to traverse movie directories and download the missing subtitles from (suited for movies from yify torrents)
#!/usr/bin/env php
* A simple php cli tool to traverse movie directories
* and download the missing subtitles from
* (Especially suited for movies from yify torrents)
* Usage: php sub.php /path/to/movies/
* Alternative prime number generator
* Generates first <n> prime numbers using
* the prime numbers themselves
* @author Jitendra Adhikari <[email protected]>
adhocore / expand_array.php
Last active December 19, 2019 04:05
A helper function expand_array for PHP
* A helper function expand_array for PHP
* This is actually developed during the real need to develop JSON api
* I wanted to have JSON api response spitted properly expanded (with semantic nodes)
* But didnot want to do it by playing with arrays (looping, merging n' what not) time and again.
* So, After fetching single dimensional array data from database, with keys having
* some specific delimeter, this helper would do for me what i want to.
adhocore / str_ireplace_array.php
Last active May 7, 2020 20:10
A str_replace_array for PHP
* A str_ireplace_array for PHP
* Case insensitive version of str_replace_array
* See
* @author Jitendra Adhikari | adhocore <[email protected]>
adhocore / Obfuscator.php
Created December 31, 2013 16:06
Obfuscator - The naive and trivial PHP Code obfuscator | deobfuscator
* Obfuscator - The naive and trivial PHP Code obfuscator | deobfuscator
* generate() Generates a obfuscated string of given code
* also gives the chunk value required by work()
* work() Reverses the obfuscated string using chunk value given by generate()
* to original code and then execute the code and returns response