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Last active June 21, 2019 20:06
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Week 3 Code - Uber
// Created By Aditya Pandey BCA
#include <stdio.h>
void displayArray(int ar[],int size); //declaring array printing function
int main(void) {
int size = 5; //giving size of array
int old[size],new[size],j,i;
printf("Enter numbers in array\n");
for ( i = 0; i < size; i++) {
scanf("%d", &old[i]); //taking inputs in array feom user
for ( j = 0; j < size; j++)
int x=0,prod=1;
if(old[x]!=old[j]) { //checking that the number should not multiply the storing number
prod *= old[x];
new[j]=prod; //storing product in new array
printf("Old array\n[");
displayArray(old,size); //passing array to function to print
printf("\nNew array\n[");
displayArray(new,size); //passing array to function to print
return 0;
void displayArray(int arr[],int size) //function definition taking size because we cannot find size of array here using 'sizeof' operater
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
i!=size-1?(printf("%d,",arr[i])):(printf("%d]",arr[i])); //number should not end with a ','
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dbc2201 commented Jun 21, 2019

void displayArray(int arr[],int size)       //function definition taking size because we cannot find size of array here using 'sizeof' operater 
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)        
        i!=size-1?(printf("%d,",arr[i])):(printf("%d]",arr[i]));    //number should not end with a ','

Clever hack with the above code, good solution all in all, try reducing the complexity of the code a bit.

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