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Created May 28, 2019 11:42
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Tarbell's Happy Place made with Clojure2D
(ns happy-place
(:require [clojure2d.core :refer :all]
[clojure2d.color :as c]
[fastmath.random :as r]
[fastmath.core :as m]
[fastmath.vector :as v]))
(def dim 900)
(def agents 128)
(def pairs (filter (fn [[a b]] (not= a b )) (repeatedly 1000 (fn [] [(r/irand agents) (r/irand agents)]))))
(defn c-of [n]
(->> pairs
(filter (fn [[a b]] (or (= a n) (= b n) )))
(map (fn [[a b]] (if (= a n) b a)))
(take 8)
(def pal (rand-nth c/colourlovers-palettes))
(defrecord SandPainter [p c g])
(defrecord Friend [id p v c snds cns lencon])
(defn sand [cvs {:keys [c g p] :as s} x y ox oy]
(set-color cvs c 28)
(point cvs (+ ox (* (m/sin p) (- x ox))) (+ oy (* (m/sin p) (- y oy))))
(let [g' (m/constrain (+ g (r/drand -0.05 0.05) ) -0.22 0.22)
w (* 0.1 g')]
(dotimes [i 11]
(let [a (- 0.1 (/ i 110.0))]
(set-color cvs c (* a 256))
(point cvs (+ ox (* (m/sin (+ p (m/sin (* i w)))) (- x ox))) (+ oy (* (m/sin (+ p (m/sin (* i w)))) (- y oy))) )
(point cvs (+ ox (* (m/sin (- p (m/sin (* i w)))) (- x ox))) (+ oy (* (m/sin (- p (m/sin (* i w)))) (- y oy))) )))
(assoc s :g g')))
(defn move [frs]
(mapv (fn [{:keys [p v] :as f }] (assoc f :p (v/add p v) :v (v/mult v 0.9))) frs))
(defn happy-place [frs]
(mapv (fn [{:keys [p v lencon id cns] :as f }]
(loop [n 0
ac (v/vec2 0 0)]
(if (>= n agents)
(assoc f :v (v/add v (v/mult ac 0.0236854571293226)))
(let [o (frs n)
d (v/dist p (:p o))
t (v/heading (v/sub (:p o) p))
fr? (some #(= n %1) cns) ]
(= id n)(recur (inc n) ac)
(and fr? (> d lencon)) (recur (inc n) (v/add ac (v/from-polar (v/vec2 3.0 t))))
(and (not fr?) (< d lencon)) (recur (inc n) (v/add ac (v/from-polar (v/vec2 (- lencon d) (+ t m/PI)))))
:else (recur (inc n) ac)))))
) frs))
(defn expose-m [cvs frs]
(mapv (fn [{[x y] :p snds :snds :as f}]
(doseq [dx (range -2 3)]
(let [a (- 0.5 (/ (m/abs dx) 5.0))]
(set-color cvs :black (* a 256.0))
(point cvs (+ x dx) y)
(set-color cvs :white (* a 256.0))
(point cvs (+ x dx -1) (- y 1))))
(doseq [dy (range -2 3)]
(let [a (- 0.5 (/ (m/abs dy) 5.0))]
(set-color cvs :black (* a 256.0))
(point cvs x (+ y dy))
(set-color cvs :white (* a 256.0))
(point cvs (+ x -1) (+ y dy -1))))
(assoc f :snds (reduce (fn [acc of]
(let [op (:p (frs of))]
(mapv #(sand cvs %1 x y (.x op) (.y op)) acc))) snds (:cns f))) ) frs))
(defn mk-sand []
(SandPainter. (r/drand) (rand-nth pal) (r/drand 0.01 0.1)))
(defn draw [cvs wnd time friends]
(->> friends
(expose-m cvs)
; (expose-connections cvs)
((fn [frs]
(if (even? time)
(happy-place frs)
(defn mk-friends []
(mapv #(Friend. %1 (v/vec2 (+ (* 0.5 dim) (* 0.4 dim (m/cos (* m/TWO_PI (/ %1 agents) )))) (+ (* 0.5 dim) (* 0.4 dim (m/sin (* m/TWO_PI (/ %1 agents) ))))) (v/vec2 0.0 0.0) (rand-nth pal) [(mk-sand) (mk-sand) (mk-sand)] (c-of %1) (r/irand 10 60) ) (range agents)))
(with-canvas [c (canvas dim dim)]
(set-background c :white )
(show-window {:canvas c :window-name "Happy Place" :draw-fn draw :draw-state (mk-friends)})
(defmethod key-pressed ["Happy Place" \space] [_ _]
(save c (next-filename "results/happy-place/" ".jpg"))))
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