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Last active July 20, 2016 12:12
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Ninety-nine Elm Problems
type Tree a =
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
mirror : Tree a -> Tree a
mirror t =
case t of
Empty -> Empty
Node v l r -> Node v (mirror r) (mirror l)
balancedTree : Int -> Tree Char
balancedTree n =
case n of
0 -> Empty
1 -> Node 'x' Empty Empty
_ ->
r = (n - 1) // 2
l = n - 1 - r
Node 'x' (balancedTree l) (balancedTree r)
isSymmetric : Tree a -> Bool
isSymmetric t = t == mirror t
last : List a -> Maybe a
last = List.reverse >> List.head
penultimate : List a -> Maybe a
= List.reverse
>> (List.drop 1)
>> List.head
elementAt : List a -> Int -> Maybe a
elementAt xs n =
|> List.drop (n-1)
|> List.head
countElements : List a -> Int
countElements xs =
case xs of
[] -> 0
_ :: rest -> countElements rest + 1
myReverse : List a -> List a
myReverse xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
h :: tail -> myReverse tail ++ [h]
isPalindrome : List a -> Bool
isPalindrome xs =
xs == List.reverse xs
noDupes : List a -> List a
noDupes xs =
case xs of
x :: y :: rest -> if x == y then noDupes ([x] ++ rest) else x :: noDupes ([y] ++ rest)
_ -> xs
type RleCode a = Single a | Run Int a
removeZeroes : List (Int, Maybe a) -> List (Int, a)
removeZeroes xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
(_, Nothing) :: rest -> removeZeroes rest
(c, Just v) :: rest -> (c,v) :: removeZeroes rest
runLengths : List (List a) -> List (Int, a)
runLengths xss =
|> (\xs -> (List.length xs, List.head xs))
|> removeZeroes
split : List a -> Int -> (List a, List a)
split list count =
(List.take count list, List.drop count list)
start : a -> List a -> List a
start s xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
x :: rest -> if x == s then [x] ++ (start x rest) else []
head : List a -> List a
head xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
[x] -> [x]
x :: rest -> x :: (start x rest)
divide : List a -> List (List a)
divide xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
_ ->
h = head xs
l = List.length h
h :: divide (List.drop l xs)
rleEncode : List a -> List (RleCode a)
rleEncode list =
|> divide
|> runLengths
|> (\(n,c) -> if n == 1 then Single c else Run n c)
rleDecode : List (RleCode a) -> List a
rleDecode xs =
case xs of
[] -> []
(Single c) :: tail -> c :: rleDecode tail
(Run n c) :: tail -> (List.repeat n c) ++ (rleDecode tail)
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