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Last active December 20, 2015 04:58
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OpenCL pseudocode to demonstrate the usual pattern of calling OpenCL
//The code that runs on the graphics card is included in the program here as a plaintext string
//It's also possible to include it as a binary, but I don't know how to do that.
const char* source=
"__kernel \n"
"void sum(__global float* source, __global float* dest, uint n) \n"
" int idx = get_global_id(0); \n"
" int iter = 2; \n"
" \n"
" while(iter < n && idx % iter == 0) { \n"
" dest[min(iter*idx,n)] = source[min(iter*idx,n)] + source[(iter-1)*idx]; \n"
" iter *= 2; \n"
" } \n"
"} \n"
//Find the sum of the first n elements of input
//Input is a buffer containing n floats on the graphics card
float sum(input, n) {
//Allocate memory on the device to store the result
output = createbuffer(sizeof (float), n)
program = createGPUProgram(&source)
//How parallel and in how many dimensions the code is running
//Here, the code is running in one dimension of size the nearest
//power of 2 greater than n
dimensions = 2^(ceil(log(n)))
//The kernel is just the function executing on the graphics card
kernel = createKernel(source, 1, dimensions, "sum")
setKernelArgument(kernel, 0, input)
setKernelArgument(kernel, 1, output)
setKernelArgument(kernel, 2, n)
//Read back graphics card memory to main memory
result = getbuffercontents(output)
//The tree of partial sums has the root node at the last index
//return this result for the full sum
return result[n-1]
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