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Last active May 17, 2023 17:32
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Dependency graphs in a multi module project, in mermaid format for automatic rendering on Github
class GraphDetails {
LinkedHashSet<Project> projects
LinkedHashMap<Tuple2<Project, Project>, List<String>> dependencies
ArrayList<Project> multiplatformProjects
ArrayList<Project> androidProjects
ArrayList<Project> javaProjects
ArrayList<Project> rootProjects
// Used for excluding module from graph
public static final SystemTestName = "system-test"
// Used for linking module nodes to their graphs
public static final RepoPath = ""
public static final GraphFileName = ""
* Creates mermaid graphs for all modules in the app and places each graph within the module's folder.
* An app-wide graph is also created and added to the project's root directory.
* Derived from
* The key differences are:
* 1. Output is in mermaidjs format to support auto display on githib
* 2. Graphs are also generated for every module and placed in their root directory
* 3. Module graphs also show other modules directly dependent on that module (using dashed lines)
* 4. API dependencies are displayed with the text "API" on the connector
* 5. Direct dependencies are connected using a bold line
* 6. Indirect dependencies have thin lines as connectors
* 7. Java/Kotlin modules used a hexagon for a shape, except when they are the root module in the graph
* * These nodes are filled with a Pink-ish colour
* 8. Android and multiplatform modules used a rounded shape, except when they are the root module in the graph
* * Android nodes are filled with a Green colour
* * MPP nodes are filled with an Orange-ish colour
* 9. Provided but unsupported on Github - click navigation
* * Module nodes are clickable, clicking through to the graph of the respective module
task projectDependencyGraph {
doLast {
// Create graph of all dependencies
final graph = createGraph()
// For each module, draw its sub graph of dependencies and dependents
graph.projects.forEach { drawDependencies(it, graph, false, rootDir) }
// Draw the full graph of all modules
drawDependencies(rootProject, graph, true, rootDir)
* Create a graph of all project modules, their types, dependencies and root projects.
* @return An object of type GraphDetails containing all details
private GraphDetails createGraph() {
def rootProjects = []
def queue = [rootProject]
// Traverse the list of all subfolders starting with root project and add them to
// rootProjects
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
def project = queue.remove(0)
if ( != GraphDetails.SystemTestName) {
def projects = new LinkedHashSet<Project>()
def dependencies = new LinkedHashMap<Tuple2<Project, Project>, List<String>>()
ArrayList<Project> multiplatformProjects = []
ArrayList<Project> androidProjects = []
ArrayList<Project> javaProjects = []
// Again traverse the list of all subfolders starting with the current project
// * Add projects to project-type lists
// * Add project dependencies to dependency hashmap with record for api/impl
// * Add projects & their dependencies to projects list
// * Remove any dependencies from rootProjects list
queue = [rootProject]
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
def project = queue.remove(0)
if ( == GraphDetails.SystemTestName) {
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform')) {
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('') || project.plugins.hasPlugin('')) {
if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('java-library') || project.plugins.hasPlugin('java') || project.plugins.hasPlugin('org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm')) {
project.configurations.all { config ->
.collect { it.dependencyProject }
.each { dependency ->
if ( != GraphDetails.SystemTestName && project.path != dependency.path) {
def graphKey = new Tuple2<Project, Project>(project, dependency)
def traits = dependencies.computeIfAbsent(graphKey) { new ArrayList<String>() }
if ('implementation')) {
} else {
// Collect leaf projects which may be denoted with a different shape or rank
def leafProjects = []
projects.forEach { Project p ->
def allDependencies = p.configurations
.collectMany { Configuration config ->
.findAll {
it.dependencyProject.path != p.path
if (allDependencies.size() == 0) {
} else {
projects = projects.sort { it.path }
return new GraphDetails(
projects: projects,
dependencies: dependencies,
multiplatformProjects: multiplatformProjects,
androidProjects: androidProjects,
javaProjects: javaProjects,
rootProjects: rootProjects
* Returns a list of all modules that are direct or indirect dependencies of the provided module
* @param currentProjectAndDependencies the module(s) whose dependencies we need
* @param dependencies hash map of dependencies generated by [createGraph]
* @return List of module and all its direct & indirect dependencies
private ArrayList<Project> gatherDependencies(
ArrayList<Project> currentProjectAndDependencies,
LinkedHashMap<Tuple2<Project, Project>, List<String>> dependencies
) {
def addedNew = false
.collect { key, _ -> key }
.each {
if (currentProjectAndDependencies.contains(it.first) && !currentProjectAndDependencies.contains(it.second)) {
addedNew = true
if (addedNew) {
return gatherDependencies(
} else {
return currentProjectAndDependencies
* Returns a list of all modules that depend on the given module
* @param currentProject the module whose dependencies we need
* @param dependencies hash map of dependencies generated by [createGraph]
* @return List of all modules that depend on the given module
private static ArrayList<Project> gatherDependents(
Project currentProject,
LinkedHashMap<Tuple2<Project, Project>, List<String>> dependencies
) {
return dependencies
.findAll { key, traits ->
key.second == currentProject
.collect { key, _ -> key.first }
* Creates a graph of dependencies for the given project and writes it to a file in the project's
* directory.
private def drawDependencies(
Project currentProject,
GraphDetails graphDetails,
boolean isRootGraph,
File rootDir
) {
LinkedHashSet<Project> projects = graphDetails.projects
LinkedHashMap<Tuple2<Project, Project>, List<String>> dependencies = graphDetails.dependencies
ArrayList<Project> multiplatformProjects = graphDetails.multiplatformProjects
ArrayList<Project> androidProjects = graphDetails.androidProjects
ArrayList<Project> javaProjects = graphDetails.javaProjects
ArrayList<Project> rootProjects = graphDetails.rootProjects
final currentProjectDependencies = gatherDependencies([currentProject], dependencies)
final dependents = gatherDependents(currentProject, dependencies)
def fileText = ""
fileText += "```mermaid\n"
fileText += "%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%\n"
fileText += "graph LR;\n\n"
fileText += "%% Styling for module nodes by type\n"
fileText += "classDef rootNode stroke-width:4px;\n"
fileText += "classDef mppNode fill:#ffd2b3;\n"
fileText += "classDef andNode fill:#baffc9;\n"
fileText += "classDef javaNode fill:#ffb3ba;\n"
fileText += "\n"
fileText += "%% Modules\n"
// This ensures the graph is wrapped in a box with a background, so it's consistently visible
// when rendered in dark mode.
fileText += "subgraph \n"
fileText += " direction LR\n"
final normalNodeStart = "(["
final normalNodeEnd = "])"
final rootNodeStart = "["
final rootNodeEnd = "]"
final javaNodeStart = "{{"
final javaNodeEnd = "}}"
def clickText = ""
for (project in projects) {
if (!isRootGraph && !(currentProjectDependencies.contains(project) || dependents.contains(project))) {
final isRoot = isRootGraph ? rootProjects.contains(project) || project == currentProject : project == currentProject
def nodeStart = isRoot ? rootNodeStart : normalNodeStart
def nodeEnd = isRoot ? rootNodeEnd : normalNodeEnd
def nodeClass = ""
if (multiplatformProjects.contains(project)) {
nodeClass = ":::mppNode"
} else if (androidProjects.contains(project)) {
nodeClass = ":::andNode"
} else if (javaProjects.contains(project)) {
nodeClass = ":::javaNode"
if (!isRoot) {
nodeStart = javaNodeStart
nodeEnd = javaNodeEnd
fileText += " ${project.path}${nodeStart}${project.path}${nodeEnd}${nodeClass};\n"
final relativePath = rootDir.relativePath(project.projectDir)
clickText += "click ${project.path} ${GraphDetails.RepoPath}/${relativePath}\n"
fileText += "end\n"
fileText += "\n"
fileText += "%% Dependencies\n"
.findAll { key, traits ->
final origin = key.first
final target = key.second
(isRootGraph || currentProjectDependencies.contains(origin)) && origin.path != target.path
.forEach { key, traits ->
final isApi = !traits.isEmpty() && traits[0] == "api"
final isDirectDependency = key.first == currentProject
final arrow = isApi ? isDirectDependency ? "==API===>" : "--API--->" : isDirectDependency ? "===>" : "--->"
fileText += "${key.first.path}${arrow}${key.second.path}\n"
fileText += "\n"
fileText += "%% Dependents\n"
.findAll { key, traits ->
final origin = key.first
final target = key.second
dependents.contains(origin) && target == currentProject && origin.path != target.path
.forEach { key, traits ->
// bold dashed arrows aren't supported
final isApi = !traits.isEmpty() && traits[0] == "api"
final arrow = isApi ? "-.API.->" : "-.->"
fileText += "${key.first.path}${arrow}${key.second.path}\n"
fileText += "\n%% Click interactions\n"
fileText += "${clickText}\n"
fileText += '```\n'
def graphFile = new File(currentProject.projectDir, GraphDetails.GraphFileName)
graphFile << fileText
println("Project module dependency graph created at ${graphFile.absolutePath}")
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