$ foxx run [options] <mount> <scriptName> [args]
Where args
is an optional JSON string representation of the following object:
"files": ["An array of file patterns specified the same way as in the manifest 'tests' array"], //Optional
"reporter": "A String specifying the reporter to use [stream | xunit | suite | tap | default]", //Optional
"grep": "A regex pattern to match against the suite or the test title, running only those that match" //Optional
The following examples omit the server/database connection paramters for brevity. The mount
point must be substituted. The scriptName
is assumed to be runTests
- With a files pattern and the
reporter (nogrep
$ foxx run <mount> runTests '{"files": ["test/unit/lib/operations/commit/*"], "reporter": "tap"}'
- With just a
pattern (reporter defaults todefault
, no file filters):
$ foxx run <mount> runTests '{"grep": "getTransientOrCreateLatestSnapshot"}'