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Created June 6, 2020 23:23
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One Monokai theme for Windows Terminal
// One Monokai theme for Windows Terminal.
// Colours have been taken from One Monokai theme for VS Code (
"name": "One Monokai",
"background": "#282c34",
"foreground": "#abb2bf",
"black": "#2d3139",
"blue": "#528bff",
"green": "#98c379",
"yellow": "#e5c07b",
"cyan": "#56b6c2",
"purple": "#c678dd",
"red": "#e06c75",
"white": "#d7dae0",
"brightBlack": "#7f848e",
"brightBlue": "#528bff",
"brightGreen": "#98c379",
"brightYellow": "#e5c07b",
"brightCyan": "#56b6c2",
"brightPurple": "#7e0097",
"brightRed": "#f44747",
"brightWhite": "#d7dae0"
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