Save adityasatrio/507585a9c66d7f08fe09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off | |
set dbUser=root | |
set dbPassword=password | |
set backupDir="F:\AdityaSatrioNugroho\testbackupDb-bat\" | |
set mysqldump="C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe" | |
set mysqlDataDir="C:\xampp\mysql\data" | |
set zip="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" | |
:: get date | |
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do ( | |
set yy=%%i | |
set mon=%%j | |
set dd=%%k | |
) | |
:: get time | |
for /F "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find "current" ') do ( | |
set hh=%%i | |
set min=%%j | |
) | |
echo dirName=%yy%%mon%%dd%_%hh%%min% | |
set dirName=%yy%%mon%%dd%_%hh%%min% | |
:: switch to the "data" folder | |
pushd %mysqlDataDir% | |
:: iterate over the folder structure in the "data" folder to get the databases | |
for /d %%f in (*) do ( | |
if not exist %backupDir%\%dirName%\ ( | |
mkdir %backupDir%\%dirName% | |
) | |
%mysqldump% --host="localhost" --user=%dbUser% --password=%dbPassword% --single-transaction --add-drop-table --databases %%f > %backupDir%\%dirName%\%%f.sql | |
%zip% a -tgzip %backupDir%\%dirName%\%%f.sql.gz %backupDir%\%dirName%\%%f.sql | |
del %backupDir%\%dirName%\%%f.sql | |
) | |
popd |
how to restore this?
How to back up only one database?When I use this script it backup all database
Using the folder structure is not particulary clever. If you run InnoDB, your database does not have a folder.
Running "show databases" would be the correct way to enumerate databases.
Hi Mate.
Thank you for awesome batch file. I spent frikken hours trying to get something together and there you did it already. To answer question above how to restore this: I would go to mysql gui and open database and emply it out and then in sql area paste the backup and run it. I assume this is correct thinking. Re backing up only one db I do not see a problem if all db's are backed up. I.e. I see that they are easy to identify and get at in 7 zip folders.
If I want run this bat file from local (client) computer to make backup in server computer, what should it to be?